[eleven] missing out

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          "Are you sure you don't want me to go to any of these?" I called to Michael as I began to message the realtors about my appointments.
"I wouldn't have asked you to stay if I wasn't sure." He yelled from the shower.
"We should go out to lunch today then." I cracked the bathroom door open some and Michael peeked from behind the shower curtain.
"That sounds fine. You should get in here with me." He smirked causing me to roll my eyes.
"I'm not showering with you, hurry up."
"You're missing out." He shrugged, closing the curtain. I sighed and went to my room, grabbing out some new clothes and sitting them out on my bed before making my way back in there.

"Make room." I mumbled, stripping from my clothing. I stepped inside and Michael smirked at me as I crossed my arms over my chest. "What?" I sassed, adjusting the water and stepping under it as he stared at me.
"I always get my way with you." He beamed, lifting my chin to press his lips to mine.
"Shut up Michael." He smiled widely and grabbed my shampoo down, squeezing some into his hand before motioning for me to turn around. I complied with his wishes and melted into his touch as he began to wash my hair.
"Where do you wanna go for lunch?" Michael hummed as I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair.
"Does sushi sound good? I've been wanting it for a couple of days now." I asked as he began to rub the conditioner through my hair.
"Sushi sounds good. Is Kazoku fine?" I nodded and leaned back against him.

"You're literally the best for washing my hair." I cooed, making him chuckle.
"It's my pleasure sweetheart." He pressed a small kiss to my shoulder and I smiled. I felt so content in this moment; like I couldn't ask for anything better than this.
"Whatcha thinking about?" Michaels voice broke me from my thoughts and I turned to face him with a small smile.
"I don't think I was as happy with Ashton as I thought I was." I confessed as I rinsed my hair once again.
"That's a weird thing to think about right now considering the fact that you're in the shower with a naked man." He laughed as I switched him spots so he could wash his own hair. I rolled my eyes as I started washing my body, shaking my head at him.
"I know its weird but like with you, right now I feel so, I don't know, comfortable I guess. Like I could never do this with Ashton." I explained to him.

"You and Ashton never showered together? I feel like that's the best thing you can do with someone you're in love with." I'm glad he wasn't looking at me because my whole body froze as the words left his mouth.
"I-I mean we showered together but it was usually when we were running late for something and we both needed to shower. We never took our time showering, he never washed my hair for me or just talked to me. I dunno, you're right this is weird to be thinking of right now." I giggled anxiously as I rinsed my body and reached out to grab my towel. "Hurry up so we can go." I smiled, kissing him quickly as I wrapped the towel around me.

I stepped out of the bathroom and started walking over to my room before there was a knock on the door. I sighed and walked out to the living room, opening it up to Calum. He raised his eyebrow at me and looked me up and down as he stepped in.
"Michael's in the shower, he should be done soon." I told him, tightening my towel and shuffling back to my room.
"Did you guys shower together?" I could practically hear the smirk on his lips. I ignored his question which resulted in him giggling loudly.
"What are you? Five?" I sassed before entering my room and shutting my door.

There was a small knock on my door and Michael popped his head in as I was pulling my shirt on.
"You care if Cal joins us for lunch? I forgot I told him to come over." He asked, sticking his bottom lip out.
"That's fine." I smiled, grabbing my purse, following behind him.
"Okay cool, I just gotta get dressed." He gave a half smile, looking behind me for Calum before he pressed chaste kiss to my lips. "Be ready in a minute doll." I nodded with a huge grin on my face as he disappeared into his room. I sighed contently and made my way into the living room to join Calum on the couch.

"I saw that." He commented, flipping through the TV channels.
"Saw what? I asked, kicking my feet up on the coffee table.
"That kiss, Michael's not as sneaky as he would like to be." He chuckled.
"He really isn't." I murmured with a small laugh. We exchanged glances before a comfortable silence fell between us.
"Alright guys, lets go." Michael clapped as he came waltzing out. "Dakota get your god damn feet off of my coffee table or so help me god." He demanded, walking over to me with his arms crossed. Calum snickered next to me, lightly punching my arm as he got off of the couch. I rolled my eyes and placed my feet on the ground, pushing myself up.

"So can I hold Michael's hand or are you going too?" Calum asked as we walked towards the restaurant. I gave him an annoyed look and Michael laughed loudly, looking down at me.
"Calum saw you kiss me and now he's being super annoying." I informed Michael as we walked inside.
"It actually started when you let me in. You were in your towel and there's was no doubt you two had just showered together." He corrected as we were seated.
"I don't understand why I hang out with you honestly." I responded, narrowing my eyes at him. He shrugged and took a sip of the water in front of him.
"It's because you're in love with Michael and I'm his best friend. So technically you have to enjoy being around me." I scoffed loudly at him.
"I do no-"
"Well she doesn't have to enjoy being around you just because shes in love with me, but she does have to put up with you." Michael interrupted, making me slap his shoulder.
"I'm not in love with you." I defended myself.

"What time do you work?" Michael asked after he let Calum out of the house.
"7:30" I hummed as he pushed my legs open a little so he could stand between them. I smiled and lazily wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Why do you enjoy sitting on my counters and putting your feet on my tables?" He teased, running his hands up and down my thighs.
"I like seeing you upset about things my mom gets upset about. It makes you seem like a middle-aged woman." I giggled, twisting strands of his hair between my fingers. He rolled his eyes at me, leaning in and kissing me. I leaned into him, pulling his body as close to me as possible. His hands slowly moved up my body, going under my shirt, sending chills through me.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, trying to pull him closer to me as the kiss grew more heated. I moaned into Michael's mouth which he took as an opportunity to slip his tongue in while I pulled on his hair. I tugged on his bottom lip with my teeth, earning a low groan from him.
"Hey guys, did I leave my phone in here. Woah." Michael pulled away quickly as we both looked at Calum, who stood there with his mouth wide open.
"What are you doing back?" Michael asked hastily, his face bright red. I sat there motionless, staring between the two of them. I was sure my face look exactly like Michaels.
"I left my phone in here." Calum said, reaching for his phone on the table. "Um, see you guys later." He chuckled awkwardly before rushing back out of the house. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding and my eyes met Michael's.
"We are never going to hear the end of that." I commented, licking my lips.

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