[five] i need you here

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* there's a possible trigger warning if you're sensitive to abuse or anything like that.


           It had been a few days since we had sex but Michael and I hadn't really talked about what happened. It wasn't awkward but it was something that didn't get brought up, so we just left it at a drunken fuck; nothing more.
"Where ya going?" Michael asked from the couch as I opened up the door to leave.
"Out." I said, closing the door behind me.


       "Where's Dakota?" Calum asked me, peeking around the apartment for her.
"I don't know. She left a couple hours ago and just said she was heading out. I know she has a show tonight but she usually doesn't leave that early." I commented as he opened up a beer. We sat on the couch, watching tv in silence before he spoke again.
"Have you two talked about ya know, the sex thing that happened?" He looked over at me and my face went red.
"Nah, I don't wanna bring it up and make it weird between us. She was drunk and probably doesn't even remember what happened. It was just drunk sex."
"Or you don't wanna tell her you're in love with her still." He shoved my shoulder as I rubbed the back of my neck.
"It's not like that between us man." I sighed.

The front door swung open and Dakota came stumbling in. 
"Woa woa, you okay?" I jumped up, grabbing her before she hit the floor.
"I'm fine." She yanked her arm away from me with a huff and pushed her hair from her face. 
"What happened?" I asked, noticing a bruise around her neck, like someone grabbed her by the throat.
"Nothing." She murmured, shoving my hand away from her as I grazed my fingers across the bruising.
"Dakota." I growled, making her jump some.

She leaned against the small table by the door and looked down at her hands.
"Who did it." I pleaded, lifting her chin to look at me.
"My stage manager." she mumbled, barely audible. I looked back at Calum who sat frozen on the couch. "Why?" I finally got the word out. She just shrugged her shoulders at me. "Dakota you gotta talk to me." My voice cracked as I cradled her face in my hands.
"We were drinking after the show, me and the band, then Gavin brought me a drink. I think he slipped something in it because I felt weird afterwards and next thing I knew we were heading back to his house, which I would never ever do. We got inside and I said I wanted to leave so he slammed me against the door and wouldn't let go of me. I told him I would have sex with him but I needed to go to the bathroom and I climbed out of the window." Tears were pouring down her face and my body filled with rage.

"Where does he live?" I asked, grabbing my jacket down from the rack.
"Michael no." She yelled, grabbing my arm. "I'm fine, please don't go over there." I stared at her and sighed. "Just stay here with me. I don't need you over there, I need you here." She mumbled, her body trembling as I pulled her into a tight hug. Calum moved from the couch and placed his hand on my shoulder.
"I'm gonna head home. Take care of her, tell her Mike." He whispered before leaving.

I carried Dakota to my bedroom and placed her in bed, pulling the blankets over her. She quickly grabbed my wrist as I turned to leave and I knelt down so I was eye-level with her.
"I'm just grabbing you a glass of water love. I'll be right back, I promise." I whispered softly as I pushed her hair out of her face. I walked to the kitchen and filled a glass up, rubbing my face. I leaned against the counter and sighed heavily. I didn't know how I could make it better for her, I didn't know what I could do to help.
"Mikey." She called from the room, making me hurry with my actions.
"I'm coming doll." 

"I'm sorry." She whispered as I wiped the tears from her cheeks.
"You didn't do anything wrong." I cooed, climbing in bed next to her, pulling her up so she was against me.
"You need to quit that job." I finally said.
"It's how I make most of my money." She mumbled, her words muffled by my shirt.
"I don't care about that right now, you can stay with me as long as you need too. Just please quit Dakota." I begged. She just nodded her head and I ran my fingers through her hair, closing my eyes with a sigh of relief.

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