[seven] hooked

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       "Remember when you hated me?" Michael asked from the other side of the couch. I lowered my book to see him and raised my eyebrow.
"I never actually hated you." I commented, turning my attention back to my book as Michael rubbed small circles around my ankle while he watched tv.
"I'm like eighty percent sure you hated me." He chuckled.
"I was sixteen, I hated everyone. I was edgy." I laughed lightly, cringing as I thought back to those days. 
"You did get away with a lot for being sixteen. I think that's why I was so enticed by you. I mean you were pretty bad ass." His eyes met mine and I closed my book, sitting it next to me.

"Oh yea?" I giggled. "I thought I was the coolest cause I smoked cigarettes that Georgia's boyfriend would steal from his dad now I have a smoking habit. My parents were always gone so I had this concept I could do whatever I wanted without getting in trouble. I remember stealing liquor from my parents cabinet, they never got in it so they never noticed. I had an eighteen year old drooling over me and we see where that went, I was so bad ass." He smiled at me before letting out a sigh.
"But you didn't actually date him until you were eighteen, so it wasn't so bad." He corrected.
"No but I made out with him and he had his hands down my pants well before I was eighteen." There was a calm silence between the two of us before I spoke up again.

"I would go back and fix a lot if I could." I hummed, my eyes flicking up to meet his. "One thing I definitely wouldn't though." He raised his eyebrow, signaling me to continue. "Losing my virginity to you. Looking back I probably would've waited until I wanted to do it and not because someone else wanted me too but I'm glad I lost it to you. Who knows, if I would've waited any longer, I probably would've lost it to some asshole at prom." I chuckled, looking down at my hands.
"Instead you lost it to an asshole who lived next door to you."
"The typical cliché." I giggled, sitting up and moving next to him.
"I did see you naked quite a few times." I leaned against him and he wrapped his arm around me, looking down.
"Those pesky curtains." I joked, snapping my fingers.

"I think you left them open on purpose. You had a thing for me." I shook my head with a smile.
"Oh yea, I had such a huge crush on you." I rolled my eyes at him.
"I'm lovable, women cant help it." He shrugged, placing his hand on his chest.
"You were annoying and arrogant." I corrected, making him laugh loudly.
"Is that going to fit in me?"  He mocked, making me gasp and smack his shoulder. I repositioned myself so I was facing him and I tilted my head to the side.
"I will have you know, I was in pain for three days after that." I informed him, placing my hands on his legs, leaning towards him.
"Yet, I had you begging for more the next day." His voice was just above a whisper as his eyes searched my face.

"You had me hooked Clifford, what can I say?" I flirted, licking my lips.
"Here we are almost four years later. You still hooked?" He chuckled, bringing his hand to my cheek and running his thumb gently along my jawline. I leaned into his touch and closed my eyes momentarily before he brought his lips to mine, kissing me softly. His lips were soft and warm against mine, making me sigh contently into the kiss. There was a knock on the door, making him pull away from me. He brushed my hair from my face before I sat back, allowing him to get up.

"Is Dakota here?" I looked back at the door and Georgia made her way in the house when she saw me. "Am I interrupting something?" She asked, looking between the two of us.
"Hey Georgia, lovely to see you again." Michael sassed as he walked back around the couch, sitting down to resume his tv show.
"Yea, likewise." She rolled her eyes at him before turning her attention to me. "Can I talk to you?" She asked me. I nodded and climbed off of the couch, taking her to my room.

"What's up?" I asked as I closed my door behind me.
"I thought you would be outta here by now." She whispered, crossing her arms over her chest. I shrugged my shoulders and walked the perimeter of the room.
"I haven't found a place I could afford yet." I mumbled.
"Are you even looking?" I was quiet and looked towards my window, avoiding her gaze. She scoffed, shaking her head. " Please tell me you aren't falling for him again?" She asked in shock. "Do you not remember what happened last time? You moved away for two years because you were so heart broken over him." She rambled on.

"Yea I know Georgia, you don't have to remind me." I yelled at her, throwing my hands in the air.
"Do you think those were my intentions when I came here? To fall for him again? Because that's far from it. I couldn't go back to my parents and I couldn't come stay with you because Jayden is Ashton's brother. I'm not even allowed to come over your house because sibling privileges trump best friend privileges. Michael is kind enough to let me stay here, just be happy about that." I screamed at her, making her roll her eyes.
"You're going to get your feelings demolished again Dakota. I knew it was a bad idea to come here right after leaving Ashton. You're looking for a rebound to invest your feelings in and you're making a huge mistake by becoming involved with Michael." She stood up quickly and I only grew angrier.

"Did you just come here to bash me? It wasn't like I just left Ashton out of the blue, you know exactly why I did it and you're a crappy friend for throwing that in my face. Let's remember that your boyfriend knew what the fuck was going on the entire time with Valerie and Ashton and didn't once tell me. My housing arrangements are none of your business, whoever I get feelings for or become involved with is none of your business. My life is none of your business Georgia. I'm so sick and tired of you trying to control my life the way that you do. I'm not your fucking poodle and I'm not going to act like it anymore." She grew quiet before huffing angrily and throwing the door open to leave. I heard the front door slam and slumped onto my bed.

"What'd you do to piss her off?" Michael chuckled, standing in the doorway.
"Not now Mike." I yelled, running my hand through my hair.
"Come join me for a movie, I have a pizza on its way here." I sighed and stood up, taking his hand. We walked to his bedroom and he began setting up the tv in there so we could lay in bed. I stripped from my pants and climbed under the blankets, getting comfortable.
"I never liked her anyways." He mumbled, pulling me to his side as he laid next to me.
"Michael, please don't. Just because we're arguing doesn't mean I'm gonna talk about her. What movie are we watching?" I asked him, changing the subject.
"Jurassic World." He mumbled, kissing my forehead. 

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