[fifteen] ruined everything

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       "Something isn't adding up to me." I mumbled while Morgan painted my nails.
"What do you mean?" She asked, keeping her eyes on my hands.
"Michael said he didn't intend to hurt my feelings but he wouldn't have said we were 'just roommates' if that was the case." The whole situation with Michael didn't sit well with me the entire way back to Morgan's. I just had an off feeling that I wasn't able to shake.
"Maybe he said it cause the girl would've heard." She hummed.
"No, she wasn't even in the living room yet when it was said. I dunno, maybe it's just me." I shrugged, trying to think about anything else.

"You think he had other intentions than he led on?" Morgan asked after a moment of silence.
"I don't know. I mean its not like I can really be mad at him." 
"You wanna know who he would tell if he did do anything with her?" She piped up. I hummed in response, blowing gently on the wet polish.
"Calum. We could call him and convince him to ask Michael about it while we eavesdrop from the hallway." She suggested.
"Morgan, I dunno. I feel like that's wrong." I admitted.
"Look we'll just ask Cal, if he agrees to do it then it must not be too wrong. You deserve the truth Dakota."  I sighed, giving in and she picked up her phone to call Cal.

"Okay okay so what happened?" Calum asked, confused on why we wanted him to help us.
"He brought a girl to the house and told Dakota they were just roommates but then said he didn't mean to hurt her feelings. We just need you to ask him to hang out tonight and ask him what happened with the girl." Morgan explained the plan to him.
"What the hell, why would he bring a girl home when he's obviously head of heels for Dakota. Look, I love Michael but he's gonna fuck it up with her if he keeps doing dumb shit." I smiled at how much Calum liked me and Michael together and how willing he was to help.
"Okay, so ask him if you can come over, let us know what he says and we'll most likely meet up at the apartment." We said our goodbyes and hung up, waiting for the conformation from Cal to come through. Once it did, we were out the door and heading over there for the second time tonight.

Calum got there shortly after we did and he came up to the car, leaning down to the window.
 He gave us a small smile before looking around.
"So you're gonna go up and we'll be up after about five minutes, so we don't get caught. Just try to casually bring it up. Like tell him he looks off or something." Calum nodded and took a deep breath before making his way up. We waited patiently in the car before going up ourselves, being extremely quiet as we sat outside the door. We leaned in close and focused on what the guys were saying, trying our best to hear.


        "You okay man? You seem like ya got something on your mind." Calum spoke up as we watched TV.
"I hurt Dakota's feelings." I commented back, not paying much mind to it.
"How?" He asked me, making me mute the sound.
"You know Cassidy right? That girl my dad wants me to be with. Well I brought her home tonight and I didn't know Dakota was still here, I was hoping she was gone." He raised his eyebrow, gesturing for me to go on. "I dunno man, I just wanted to see if I was just infatuated with Dakota so I was gonna sleep with her. But Dakota saw her and I said something to her that I shouldn't have because I feel like it really put a dent in our relationship." I confessed.
"Did you sleep with Cassidy?" He asked, pursing his lips.
"I kissed her, but then she put her tongue in my mouth and it just didn't feel right like it does with Dakota. So I asked her to leave. It was so stupid of me." I continued, looking down at my hands. 

I furrowed my eyebrows as I heard a loud thump outside of the door, followed by two voices. I quickly got up, heading to the door and pulling it open. Dakota and Morgan were just a few feet from the door, Dakota bent over trying to help Morgan up from the ground.
"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to figure out what was going on.
"Mike, hey." Dakota panicked, standing straight up and moving her hair from her face. Calum appeared at the door, his face turning red as I started to piece together what was going.
"You guys are spying on me?" I grew enraged as I waited for an answer, them all looking anywhere but at me.
"My own best friend." I shook my head in disbelief as I moved so he could exit the apartment.
 "You guys are a real piece of work. You could've just asked if I slept with her Dakota. You could at least have that much respect for me, rather than roping my friends into it to get stuff out of me. I thought we were pass that but obviously not. I don't want to see any of you." I stepped back, ready to close the door before Dakota stopped it, yelling for me to wait.

"Mikey please, let us explain." She pleaded.
"No Dakota, I don't want an explanation. You should've just asked yourself. You know I tell you everything. Don't come back for a while, I need to figure out if I still want you here." I spat, closing the door harshly in her face.


           "Fuck." I yelled, slamming my fist against the steering wheel repeatedly.
"Dakota calm down." Calum yelled at me from the back seat. "Michael will be over it in a few days." 
"No Cal, he wont. I fucked up. I knew this was a bad idea, I shouldn't have let you guys talk me into it. I ruined everything." I sobbed, my head falling back against the seat.
"He will get over it, he loves you."
"I let my feelings get the best of me. He makes so do stupid shit sometimes. I'm so in love with him and I don't know how to handle that because I've never felt this way before." I groaned. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. I ruined everything.

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