[two] rules rules rules

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     "It's after midnight Dakota." Michael scolded as he came out of his room.
"Oh my god, I have a curfew now?" I asked, tossing my bag onto the couch.
"I need my beauty sleep Dakota. I cant have you straggling in at almost one in the morning." 
"I was at work Mikey." I told him with a sigh as I sat down and placed my head in my hands, rubbing my temples.
"You left for work at like six this morning." He questioned with a puzzled look on his face as he sat down next to me.

"Yea I know, I've been pulling doubles because I don't have much money right now. Ashton and I split everything and I gave him almost all my money for rent and bills a few days before I found him cheating." I took a deep breath, trying not to cry.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel anyway about this. I was just joking." He apologized, scooting closer to me. He wrapped his arm around me and I leaned on his shoulder.
"It's cool. You didn't know about anything." I said with tears falling down my face. He sat quietly until he heard a sniffle leave my nose and he looked down at me, wrapping his arms tighter around me and pulling me closer into his chest. He continuously ran his hands through my hair, trying to calm me down.

"Please don't cry Kota." He mumbled, kissing the top of my head. "Please don't cry." Was all he kept repeating for about twenty minutes before I wiped my eyes and looked at him.
"How about you come sleep in my room tonight with me so you don't have to be alone out here." He offered and I thought over it.

"No funny business?" I questioned.
"Not unless you ask for it." He smirked causing me to hit him. "Come on." I followed him into his room and he walked over to his closet, going through it. "Here." He said, handing me a tee-shirt.
"Oh no I'm okay in this." I mumbled, rocking on my feet and handing it back to him.
"You've been sleeping in the same clothes you wear all day. I'm assuming you haven't gotten all your stuff from Ashton. Just take the damn shirt." He scolded, throwing it back at me, it hitting the floor.

I sighed and pulled my shirt off, slipping his on.
"You could've changed in the bathroom." Michael commented.
"You've seen me naked before, get over it." I muttered as I shimmied out of my pants. I pulled my hair up and bent down moving my clothes over to the side, hearing Michael clear his throat. I realized there was just a small part of the shirt covering me and I blushed as I pulled it down more, muttering a sorry. I climbed in bed next to him but spaced myself far enough so my skin was barely touching his. It felt awkward laying next to him, like I didn't know what to do with my body. Michael and I had never actually laid in bed with each other or cuddled or anything close to that.

"You can move closer." He whispered.
"I'm okay." I squeaked out, twisting my thumbs around each other.
"I can sleep on the couch tonight and let you sleep in here." He mumbled to me.
"That's kinda defeating the point." I mumbled back. I just continued to lay on my side before he reached behind my back and pulled me closer.
"We've never slept overnight in bed together." I told him as I rested my hand on his chest and nuzzled my head into his neck.
"I never was one for cuddling." He admitted as he shuffled under me, trying to make me more comfortable.

I slept peacefully through the night. Michael was quite comfortable and he made sure I was content with the way we laid. I woke up the next morning and the bed was empty next to me, so I got up and made my way into the bathroom. I could hear noise coming from the kitchen and walked out there, seeing Michael leaned against the counter eating a yogurt.
"Those are mine." I commented as I got into the cupboard, grabbing a bowl down. He looked at the front on the yogurt cup and hummed, noticing my name.
"Payback for sleeping in my bed." He smiled as I grabbed one out for myself, dumping the contents into the bowl and grabbing my bag of granola. "Can I have some of that?" He asked me, pointing to the bag. I gave him a handful and he sprinkled it in his cup like I had done with mine. I leaned against the counter next to him and we both just ate in silence.

"Do you work today?" He asked, not looking at me.
"I'm way over hours this week and they told me they would call if they needed me." I told him, enjoying my yogurt.
"Where do you work again?" He questioned, licking the last bit of food from his spoon before tossing it in the sink.
"Denny's and on the weekend I do small shows at local bars. It pays more than waitressing on the weekend."  I explained as he looked at me.

"Why don't we go get your stuff from Ashton's today? I have an extra room we can put the stuff in. Maybe we'll get you an air mattress to put in there so you don't have to keep sleeping on the couch." He smiled at me.
"Okay." Was all I said as I finished my breakfast and washed up the dishes. We both got ready and Michael offered to drive his SUV so we could fit all my things in. I hadn't really spoken to Ashton since I had left so I was happy Michael was going to be with me today. We pulled up to my house and we both got out, making our way up the front porch.

I unlocked the door and walked inside, seeing all my things in boxes piled in the living room.
"Hey Dakota. All your stuff is ready for you to take." Ashton said, coming out of the kitchen. I didn't look at him, just made my way to grab my things.
"Thanks." I mumbled, picking up two of the boxes. Michael came behind me and grabbed a couple more as Ashton muttered a 'hey man' to him as he leaned against the door frame. We carried all of my stuff out to the car and I gave Ashton my key before leaving and not looking back.

"He was just ready to get you out." Michael spoke up after a few moments. I looked at him and nodded.
"Yea, when he's done with something, he gets rid of it quick." I told him in a soft tone.
"Now we can go get your air mattress and some new bedding. Are you hungry?" He asked, looking over at me and placing his hand on top of mine, running his thumb back and forth.
"Are you only being this nice to me because you feel sorry for me?" I asked him, my eyes watery. He cocked his eyebrow at me and shook his head no.

"No Dakota. I'm being nice because I'm a nice person now. I really did change over the last two years. I'm not as big of a dickhead anymore.
 He laughed. "I'm just trying to make sure you're okay and I want you to be in the most comfortable situation while you're going through this. I don't want you to do something stupid over a jackass." He ranted.
"Thank you." 

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