chapter 7: The fate

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I lied on the couch. Since that fight with the dreamhunter I did not came in rest. Manson paced around the halls. He wanted to make sure we would be save. Blue was still working on something im the basement. But I did not bothered to ask yet. I was glad La Llorana was still ok. All that sudden I realised something. There was Mexican Folklore about a woman grieving about her children wich she drowned. And La Llorana reminded me on her. She sat into the corner. Humming her song. Unknowm had to watch her im case she wanted to run off.

All that sudden my willing to explore awoke. I felt someothing pulled me somewhere but I was not sure where. I jumped out of the sofa. I walked to the door, opening the door just to get out. I did not know where I shall go... but I let myself turn to my instincts. "WAIT" A familar voice shouted behind me. It was manson. Ready for protecting me "where do you want to go?!" He asked "I feel like exploring the woods" I answered "I cannot let you go without a guidance. So here I am" he said. "Alright... " I answered. I got on my way with manson. We was silent for a while. Until manson realised something "wait a minute... how do you know-" "LOOK HERE" I interrupted him. Infront of us was a big leak. It glowed in a light tone of a glowing turquoise. Almost whire. The water seemed clean "the water wich can heal all wounds... HIDE" manson shouted. We both hid behind a thick shaped dead tree. A small group of smaller... more like frey and blue skinned sphinx cats gattered to the lake. One of them was unconcious. The other was just far away from the other three ones. These ones seemed to be silverimps "wow... I can't believe we actually see some silverimps" manson whispered the two silver imps lied the injured one in the water. The wounds glowed just as bright as the lake. the fourth one came slowly to the other group. Not even giving a look at them, sniffing the air. They had white hair,big blood red eyecolor and their clothinf was just a brown ripped leather pants. After a few sniffs it screeched. The healed one woke up and the three ones ran away with the fourth one. "Are they scared at us?" I asked. Behind us was a growl. We slowely turned around. My heart beated so fast as I heared that sudden growl. Behind us was one of these big rambhorned spider eyed Rabbit creature "A SHADOW LEPORES!!!"manson yelled. He took me on the hand. The big creature smashed the tree away. We ran from the creature. "HOW CAN WE GET RID OF THAT THING?" I asked "I have no Idea" manson answered. "Well great..." I said. We tried to shake them off. We came back to where they got us. We looked at the lake. The creature did not followed us anymore "I think we shook them off" Manson said. I was out of breath. Behind us came that monster so suprisingly. I got very suprised. The thing was I got really close at that lake and as the Shadow lepores scared me I felt into the lake "ANASTASIA" manson screamed.

I was under water. I looked at up. I thought that was with my life. Bit something began to move in my sight. I saw infront of me myself sitting on a Shadow lepores leading its pack and the SilverImp's folliwing us. Is this a propecy? I saw infront of me a dark skeletal creature trying to reach me. But Manson was faster. He took me on his shoulder and dived up again. He came out of the lake. Manson was out of breath. He got up very slowly. I got up either with a help of this grey tones blue doll chameleon. "Luckly that thing is gone... they could not bare lights... not even these morningstar flyes" he said. I felt all the sudden sleepy. I could feel my eyes getting heavy "oh so you are healed from the dreamhunter's curse!?" Manson asked "huh? Uhm yeah I guess" I mumbled manson chuckled a bit "but I also have seen something different... me riding a shadow lepores... to be exact the biggest I saw" I said. Manson holded silent he looked at me in a suprised manner " I think you should sleep... lets better head up to the dollhouse." He said. As we came back I found myself comfy in the couch. I fell vast asleep right after I lied down.

Everything was white. "We only can just wait... there is nothing else we can do right now" A strange voice said. I heared beepimg noises. Then my vision changed into a purpelish heaven full of stars. It seemed to dawn in . Most of the stars where abiut to vanish but one "you are the one the woods was looking for... " another voice said. It sounded very similar of the ravenstag I contacted. I was confused "our world is falling appart. Beginning from the insane hunting of the shadow lepores to something big. You should try to bring harmony in this forest before..." the voice said. Eveything vanished. It was all black. I saw the shadow lepores starving to death. No sign of my doll fellahs at all. And the final thing I heared was heavy monster like breathing, huffing behknd my back, letting out its roar. I woke up from the nightmare. I started to think about the whole thing what happened. The others where watching all around me.

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