chapter 11 lost and found

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Back at the house the others were still miserable. Llorana has a small baby doll on her. The baby doll didn't move but she looks calm now. I might figured out the reason why she was sad all the time. Zero walked upstairs with manson. I tried to cheer up the others

"Did anything happen as we were gone?" I asked "Blue didnt came out of her room ever since. She doesnt want to talk to all of us." Heart said. Mary was just silent. Unknown was just looking at his eye collection  "she didn't even bothered Unknown for helping with the new doll creating. I think she is done with us" Mary mentioned. "Oh man... I hope she is gonna fix Manson" I said "she is... but then she would kick him out of her room like us..." heart said. Llorana looked at the window "why there's shadow lepores gathering around our house?" She asked "I manage to defeat the alpha" I said. Mary came back to her old self "REALLY?! THAT'S AMAZING. Zero collabsed in the way out of Blue's room. Blue had her door open. She looked at zero in a dissapointed manner, shutting her door behind him.  the others went back to the sad mood. 
The shadow Lepores looked exited and wanted to have my attention. I looked out of the window "aww they are like adorable puppies" Mary realized "something is wrong!" I said. I walked down stairs and walked outside. Varjo already offered me to take a seat on his back.  I climbed up.
Zero noticed we were all out and he got up out of his ragdoll mode he walked out side. I took his hand, knowing he wanted to protect me "Llorana, since you seem to be the mother role when blue is absent I will give you the responsability while I am gone. try to talk to Blue while I am gone. she said. I gave Varjo the sign to walk forward. Zero held tight on me Varjo followed the smell. during the search I smelled too wich made me feel sick. it was the smell of fresh blood and like something is dead. Varjo walked up to the smell. out of the horrid look I got sick. I could feel my stomach twist. there were probably more critters in this forest after my arrival. unfortunatly. they didn't had luck as I had. all of them were chameleons... like me. one male chameleon got his unluck by being impaled by the top of the ripped part of a fallen tree,  most of them had their limbs out. three ones got their faces ripped appart and it seems like there was another uncomfortable situation happening. it was in totel six dead chameleons. three males, three females. my stomach twisted and Zero smelled something wasn't right. he felt my disgust, fear and complete confusion. was this a coincident that more chameleon. I couldn't handle it and threw up. Varjo smelled something as so did his pack. it was something else then the smell of dead, blood and my thrown up junks... I noticed my junks where black liquid. I started wondering if I even ate something. I never felt hunger since I came here and I started realizing it. Varjoand the others went to a darker spot no one could see us, hiding in the bushes. I couldn't breath. I paniced. Zero noticed this and held me tight. he took me, jumping off of  the Lepores leader calmed me down. it worked. we  ducked in the bushes as we heard footsteps. we were still able to see everything.

it was Blue stepping in the incidents. she had this hurting look in her face. she looked at the corpses. she had a cart wich I assume she got from the basement. she picked up each and every one of them. she started talking to the death ones "welcome to your new family..." she sad.  her Eyes wided as she realized something "I have to talk to her..... she doesn't even know it yet!!!" she said. she sighed "its fine... I have to wait for the time" she said. she got up and took all the six corpses away. my face hit in realization and yet I didn't want it to be true. "this.... this can't be! you were actual living creatures?????" I asked Zero tried to calm me down. the pack sniffed at the air. one of them caughed something, sending it to me. it was the silver imp from the lake  it was scared of the bunny creature. I quickly approached the little sphinx cat "what are you doing?" I asked, petting him. they shook in fear looking at the shadow lepores. I looked at the bunny wolves "can you get in distance?" I asked. they did as I said. the silver imp had his ears up "the morning star!" he said. that reminded me on what Jörn said to me and I felt down. Zero growled at the silver imp "no... the morning star is saving us from the darkness comming upon us.  she is breaking the curse and ending the cycle!" the silverimp explained. I picked up the silver imp. I was confused of what he said. Zero touched my shoulder, sniffing at the silverimp. "we should bring you to your tribe" I said "this forest is pulling down living being to their doom. you are the only one who survived. I smelled dead people" the silver imp said. I was more confused. the silverimp brought me more question"Dipper!" a voice said "chief is looking for me" he said, walking away but not without taking a last look at me. before he went to his ways. 
I looked after him, confused zero sniffed at me.he looked at my direction seems like he said "you are right... "  I felt like walking so I walked the way back to the house. the forest turned darker as it should off be all of the sudden. the Lepores ran away even Varjo. I called after them "where are you goin?!" My question had been answered as I turned around. it was Jörn

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