(bad ending) FINAL CHAPTER

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I saw Blue running towards the ankou
I saw them taking up its schyte. I jumped inbetween. With one cut everything turned black. My life passed by until the time I ran to the forest, followed by the heart monitor sound when the heart stopped beating.

I woke up im blue's room. All chameleons were united, surrounding me. Blue did some last stitches. Then she went off of my bed. I stood up I didn't remembered anything that happened. Blue handed me her sewing supplies "I will give you my talent to you" blue said. I looked confused at her "My time is up. "She mentioned. She went out of her room.  She left the dollhouse. We all followed her.

We went to the place were I came from. Blue had one last duty before she wenr back to the living world. Wich was putting me in charge. Blue's appearance changed by every step she took out of the forest. She turned around, taking a last look at us. She grew older now in the light. She vanished.

Time went by. I created more dolls for Blue's sake. My first doll was a dark grey chameleon with Blonde hair. By the time more chameleons fell into the woods. All dead. From time to time you get used to it. The chameleons from blue and mine started building a village due to our population. There was one thing I asked myself... if there was a living chameleon following my footsteps.

In the real world you can see my grave. My grave was buried next to the other sacrifices in the woods. Bews comming up thag there were more chameleons missing or either death. The forest close to my school was cursed and even if the minigold station was already close. Even if the park itself were close. More chameleons felt the force like I did to go into the dark woods. It gor worse as one of them had a truck with atomic trashes. 

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