chapter 12 Blue

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I got suprised. how was he in this forest alive? how did he find it there? did he took time to actual look for me all the time. I wanted to introduce Zero to the canine so he could punch him as he deserved... but Zero flopped on the floor. I forgot he was unstable. "anastasia... I have been looking for you" he said. I turned around "Franziska dumbed me... now I can be with you" he said. I froze. was he serious? my heart beated "y-you really mean it?"  I asked "yes.... we can be together... for ever... and ever" He started. as he keep repeating "and ever" I realised something as odd. his dog like teeths turned sharper as usual and his eyes turned more black. that wasn't him. luckly I did not believed it, that must be a mean trick on me. but still I froze. I could only see how the thing impersonating my crush  turning into some kind of monster something alike the shredderer, still had its canine look. but he had razorsharp claws, a white horn on its head, liquids dripping on the floor wich was extremely hot. it was twice as high as before. I couldn't move anymore. the monstrosity paralyzed me with its looks. worse then the dream hunter. was this the thing that killed the chameleons from earlier?. I couldnt think about what was going on because this thing knocked me over by clawing my body open. 

I felt a huge amount of pain in my entire body. I screamed. I screamed so loud. everything burned so deep to the point I lost conchiousness. I heard heartmonitors again. this time it send emergency signals. as if my heart stopped beating. "we are losing her!!!" a voice said "all clear"  "3-2-1" I felt electricity running around my body "ready?" the voices keep repeatiing the counting. and I felt more electricity. it went three times. the pain stopped and the heart monitor went normal. I woke up  after a while. I was in a girly like room like the usual rooms in the hainted fores. I lied on a bed. around me were many supplies. Blue sat on a desk, working on her new dolls "you are awake..." she said. "Blue..." I said. I holded my head. I remembered the pain all over my body. I nticed something different. first off I couldn't blink as I have seen my hand by holding my face I was in shock. my hands were splitten sewn colours. greyer tones of my cyan colour and a darker tone of that grey. I felt my face and I felt the yarn stitches between my face.
"so you figured out the truth?" she asked. I knew this was about the corpses I have been seen "Manson, Mary, heart La Llorana and even Zero were all living fleshed chameleons...." Blue explained. the thing I was afraid of the most was revealed. Blue was working on one of the corpses I had seen earlier Blue's voice went shaky "even me" she said. I gasped "this Idea has to come from someone elses trauma... no... I won't call that trauma... inspiration" she said.  she turned around "this house has more room as we needed right now. more beds as we needed. yet you only know the living room but we have many bedroom's too and a kitchen... we... do not need... "Blue explained "this house... was an orphanage... this place was abandoned long time ago... and this only one room you are in now..." Blue began. I looked around. sooner or later I noticed the little dollhouse "was my single bedroom where I died..."  I looked around. Blue started to tell her story how it all began.

as Blue wee still alive she was just an ordinary child. she didn't have many friends. the orphanage was a christians orphanage. Blue was a little different like her three other friends. a blind female chameleon lead by a male chameleon with iron corset on his chest. the third one was also a girl who an with the other three chameleons to the wall. she had  cutches to support herself. blue laughed , she turned around "green light" the friends took a few steps "red light!" Blue said turning aound, the children frozen. Blue turned back around while laughing. "green light" she said. the blind girl tagged her. the children ran around having fun. unfortunatly this didn't last long. one day Blue was looking for them "Manson? Mary? Llorana?" she shouted. the other children were watching her. "look at her...." one little girl said. she was a puppy. the cat next to her noded while looking at the desperate looking little chameleon "she ssuch a princess freak!" the puppy growled. the girls approached to blue "WHO ARE YOU FREAK LOOKING FOR?!" the puppy barked while the kitten followed her. blue turned around "my friends!" Blue replied the puppy howled in laughter "YOUR FRIENDS" she howled and slapped her instandly. Blue fell to the ground  "THEY ARE DEATH,YOU HEAR ME?! DEATH" she yelled. Blue couoldn't believe it "no! I know they aren't its not true" she said in denial "yes it is! the suprerior sister took them in the oven" she said. the chameleon girl with the scar across her face watched the conversation, looking at the puppy "you surely are lying!" she said "yes! this can't be" Blue replied "then why don't you take a look up there?" the puppy asked. Blue ran outside. the chameleon with the scar across her face looked one more time at the puppy and ran outside aswell. in the oven there as nothing but a bag and a few woods. Blue was opening the bag. it just were a lot of ashes in it "its scary there.... we should return" the other chameleon said "Tara? don't be scared. there is nothing but woods and all the things you need to set a fire" she said. she put her hand inside the ashes while Tara held her mouth "gross...." she said. blue felt something "I found something!" she shouted. she pulled out an iron corset. it was the same Iron corset manson was wearing it. Blue's Eyes were dialiting and she screamed in horror. her only friends she had got burned. she ran up to her room wich was the roof, crying about her friends. she heard something , running to the door. she couldn't open it "NO PLEASE DON'T"  Blue screamed. in the other room was a nun. the great dane female put the key to blue's room in her skirt pocket "YOU LITTLE SINNER HAD BEEN IN A LOT OF THINGS OUT OF YOUR BUISNESS" she yelled. it was the supriror sister in this orphanage. Blue gasped on this day she knew she could die. there was no way out. during starvation she created little dolls of her friends, dying as she told her story in form with little dolls in her dollhouse. 

years have been passed by. the orphanage had to close down due to the population dropping drastically. the suprerior sister was already deceased. his son and his wife were checking up all rooms, opening blues bedroom. her corpse was still on takt. they were first shocked, but then they had an Idea. their little daughter wanted a doll her size. so they made  out of her corpse a doll. wich was a bad Idea. the daughter denied the doll, saying her parents were sick and blue was ugly. the parents would sleep over a night. little did they know blue's sould were still living and she awoke alive again, scared, she had only one thing in mind, escape in no matter what kind of escape. she grabbed a knife from the sister's son and she killed the couple and their daughter before escaping their house. by a source she found herself in the dark forest the same dark forest they were living today. she found the orphanage completely ragged. she god rid of all thetwigs and ranks before she got in. she found her sewing supplies. she learned the forest had a thing for lost lives.  all sorts of Chameleons fell into the forest no matter how they got in. in the same way she was reborn she will give the other chameleons the same fate. unlike her the chameleons barely remember of their life in her past. Manson was her first living doll ever. then came heart, mary. Unknown and La Llorana. 

Blue was finished telling her story "that's how I got there... and the others too... the forest has a strong force for chameleons feeling lost from themself. they all get dragged in... no matter if serial killers, unhappy mothers and abused children... even..." Blue looked at me "heartbroken" she said while looking at me "find their way to the dark forest" Blue explained. she looked back at me"you are the only one who survived the dollhouse" she said. giving me a huge smile 
"and you are far from being done to your perfect self" she said 

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