chapter 13 chased

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i realize what she wanted. She wanted to turn me into one of her children. I ran off the room. The others just saw me, running out of the orphanage. Blue ran after me. I got stopped by newer Dolls.  the small black white chameleon approached me. he kinda looked like a mixture of manson and heart just in black and hite his clothings were a very dark tone of green and purple. his eyes were red buttons. " a new playmate" he said. from his additude he reminded me on heart. the pink ramputaded female chameleon came to me aswell. I could still see her wound on her leg. her mouth was sewn in a swirly smile. her skin was stitched in turquoise and pink. ith her puple button eyes she looked at me. "are you gonna go play with us?" she asked "bubblegum, kingsgame! let her have a moment!" the third doll said. her kin was sewn in black and white. her hair were red. her pants were sewn black and puple in the middle. the fourth one appoached aswell "uhm... Kiil... I think that is-" the fourth one started "who cares if she was a living creature or already dead! she is gonna have to be a part of our family and not one of those losers mother kicked out recently!" the fivth one  shouted he was a male chameleon dressed in several shades of black. his scarf was sewn purple at the bottom. his hair were like heart and zero in split colours from blond to black. he was followed by a grey female chameleon who had lavender and black coloured hair. her shirt was white while her jacket had a dark tone of blue. her pants were purple. she had yellow button eyes. "ugh shut up kitro" she said "ok violet" kitro replied. "I am sorry, Riro" Violet told the fourth chameleon "no biggie" riro responded. "wait... where are manson, mary, heart, Llorana, unknown and zero???" I asked. at the time Unknown walked past us with his eye collection. he sniffed at me and twitched at the realisation it was me "unknown is here... and Llorana is around us. "Kiil explained. she looked at kitro in an untrusted manner "shut up bitch" Kitro told her. I realised wich corpse kiil was "anyways... as for the others...  they got replaced by us! she knew she can count on us more then the dirts were. manson betrayed all of us! even you!" Kitro mentioned. "and the sibbling alike pests  walking side by side they were stupid enough to listen to that split sewn freak" kitro added in "but they were fun... I liked them" Kingsgame said "they BETRAYED us" Kitro shouted. I didn't wanna have it true. Kitro stood infront of me in the manner not to let me pass "you won't get out of this! you are yet incomplete" Kitro said. I walked backwards "you don't realise who is your real family... she can help you" Kitro continued. I ran upstairs again. I got stopped by Blue at the corridor while the others followed me. 

from the place I felt home it turned into a nightmare. on the corridor the was a mirror. I took a look at it and gasped. my face were split in the ame greyish blue tones like my hands and I had hazel coloured button eye. my mouth were cut into a smile just like mansons, the different was that my entire mouth were cut so that I only knew to smile. no frowning like you can see on Manson's smile. "you like your new look?" I was in shock. but I had to admit I kinda looked cool that way. I knew I couldn't let myself be seen like this in the outer world I used to know. all I care about were manson and the others. I ran into one of the orphanage rooms. there was a sewing kit nearby. I took a suprisingly weapon sized needles, stabbing kitro on the knees out of panic, juming on walls to avoid blue, running back to the oof to climb out the window. I knew only one place to be. the lake. the shadow Lepores followed my lead again. 

"NO SHE COULD ESCAPE" I heard Blue yelling. I felt bad for her but I knew I couldn't live with them, knowing they would kill me to be complete. I was the only living creature to turn into a doll. don't ask me how it was possible.  I ran to the lake. Varjo looked at the shining water. he looked at me "last time I fell there my wounds healed. " I said. I knew Varjo would ask me like if I was gonna drown myself. "I just wanna know if it can heal me from... being a doll" I added in. I took a few steps back. I ran right to the lake, jumping in.
"hey ana... I dont know if you can hear me... I suppose not... but everyone in this school is worrying about you! The Leonie's would visit you every day to check if you are stable, " I heared the voice speaking up. it came from franziska "I am worried too. we are not the best buddies like you are with these girls... but I had fun with the presentation last year talking about golf team... going together at the malls..." she explained. she laughed at the past "listen... there was something comming around at school... were you in love with Jörn?"franziska's voice asked. I bursted into bubbles, trying to hold my breath while listening " I  slowly I could understand your anger... especially after our breakup I met someone new I can tell you should be happy he did not chose you. he was a pain!" she mentioned.  I let out all my air listening to something like this. was this true? I felt something pulling up. as I got pulled up again into the surface I felt I got on someone's shoulders. 

I choughed out the water in me. "ARE YOU CRAZY?! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU SHOULD DROWN YOURSELF" I heard Mansons voice yelling at me. everything was Blurry but I slowly started to see again. Manson holded my shoulders. we were surrounded by Mary, Heart and Zero. I hugged Manson "thank god you are all ok" I said. I was so relieved seeing them again. "Blue... had the feeling we betray her so we had no choice but to run away... it was all my fault..." Manson explained "we are a family. we should stick together. yes it was fun spending time with kingsgame but kitro held them off as he wanted to join us" Heart explained "NOT COOL" Mary yelled. Zero bowed down to me, sniffing at me. I pet him "yes, I am alright" I said "Zero only knew us so we are part of his family..." Manson mentioned. he sighed "but still that does not explain why you have to drown youeself" He said and pushed me over to punch me. I covered myself  I screamed "how do I look????" Manson stopped "what?" He asked  "blue... turned me into a doll" I said "oh yeah you surely are a doll..." he said Mary and heart laughed. I looked at the water reflection. damn it. I didnt went back to normal "the water does heal wounds and clears up minds... it does not get your form back tho" Manson answered. he pulled me up. Zero picked me up "we are now with the Silverimps. we are actually sent to look for you" Manson said. we made ourself way to the tribe

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