chapter 6 vanished dreams

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Me and manson got back to the dollhouse. Blue expected us already happily "there you are! Ana, would you do me a favor? " she asked. I looked at the childish doll chameleon. She gave me the book about the species "turn the pages please". I opebed the book and turned the pages until blue stopped me "here!" I stunned about the creature I saw on the page. It was a large creature. A hybrith of a deer,horse and dog of the statue. Its statue where like a deer, teeth like a dog and the shape of their mouth where how you. Might see the kelpie. Its eyes where pure black and it seemed to have no fur at all. At least how ut looked at the drawing I began to read "the dreamhunter" all of the doll at least exept of la llorana looked at me in a shocked manner "a creatzre luring around the forest looking for victims. They are as big as an average shadow Lepores. Their large hands could hit a regular creature away and uncousious. They are known to eat dreams of the most critter causing them to have no restful nights" blue noded "most of us do not find any sleep or any rest..." blue explained I realised I never saw the doll chameleons sleep I continued reading " pherhabs if they where eliminated all of the critters they absorbed their dreams and the willing to rest will get them back" I readed "you cant do it alone yet so take manson, heart, mary and unknown. I will stay here" blue said "okay?" I said "one thing... you can't go without any weapons..." blue said.  Manson took his chainsaw, unknown took a knife and mary and heart took both daggers. Blue went shortly away. After a few minutes she came back with a weapon. She lied it on my hand. It was funny shaped weapon. After a closer look I realized that was a needle in a size of a dagger "you'll need this" she said I went silent for a while "you need this to defend yourself! " blue pointed out. After realisation hit me I grabbed the funny looking dagger and stood up. Heart and mary came to me "you cant go alone... we are comming with you" heart said "IT WILL BE FUN" mary yelled "during your hunt you shall also look for La Llorana... I saw she walked off again" blue said. The two chameleons nodded, grabbed me to the way outside. Manson and unknown came with us. Unknown sniffed at the air and walked into the direction where the smell came from.

We all followed unknown. We all found it more importand to look for la Llorana. Unknown was attached to another smell and walked backwards "what's wrong, unknown?!" Manson asked. Unknown whimpered "in the way where our sister could be is a monster? You will lead us to it before they might hurt her!" Manson said. Unknowm shook. But he took the least brave together to continue the hunt. We came in a small field. A singing voice appeared in our 'ears' we listened closely. That song sounded beautiful. It has some effect to doze off but the other hand it sounded sad. "That's La Llorana!" Manson said and ran where the sound came. We ran after him. There she sat, singing this sad lullaby staring at the emptyness she sat on a fallen down tree.  Manson came carefully to her. She stopped singing and went silent, still staring at the nothing "we are not alone...." she whispered

All that sudden a creature ran a tree off. It was as huge as varjo. Even bigger with their long forearms. The creature looked like a mixture of a wendigo, werewolf and a kelpie. It had the limps of how you'd imagine a werewolf, the bodytype of a wendigo just as their skin and a half humanoid horsefave. Some of its mouth where closed by their own skin. Their horse eyes where just silver. It roared.mary and heart where panicing while unknown hid behind manson "WHAT IS THIS THING?!"mary asked "I KNOW WHAT IS IT" manson yelled "ITS THE DREAMHUNTER!!!"manson yelled, standing infront of La Llorana and unknown, activating his chainsaw "MARY, HEART JUST TAKE LA LLORANA AND RUN TO THE HOUSE" manson yelled attaking the creature while heart took La Llorana and rushed to where we all came from. But they hit manson aside. I was in a big shook. I could not move so scared was I. The creature seemed to notice that. They ran torwards me and hit me against the trunk La Llorana sat earlier. I was knocked off my conciousness. During that I heard some beeping noises
-beep...beep...beep...beep- during the beeping sound I heard a voice wich seems to be from a male creature " we will try our best to get her well again. But now it is only necessairy to wait. I wish I could do more"the voice said. Suddeb mary yelled me to wake up "WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP" she yelled. I woke up. My ear beeped loudly abd I could not hear. I felt dizzy. But it last for a few seconds "WE NEED TO STRIKE IT DOWN!!!" Mary said. I realised it, standing slowly up. Manson helped me up "easy... you just get knocked off... how to beat that thing down? I thought varjo was this violent." Manson asked while That thing came closer to us. I looked at the creatuee. Their frontlegs where wider then their backlegs. Easy to reach the heart.  I took out my needle dagger out of the pocket. "Call me crazy but I have an Idea!" I said. As did as I said I stood up running to the dream hunter . It tried ro hid me but I rolled fastly away from it. After it took their arm back I slided  etween their legs. But then this thing chauged me with... their tounge. I got in trance again
Hey, Ana Mind if I spend some time with you? I and Leo did not spend time enough with you... we are horrible friends... " this voice was mire familiar. Something seemed to distract the creature. I got in councious again. Mary attacked the creature right in the face. This was an opputurnity to slide more deeper under the dreamhunter and stab that creature with my needle dagger right on their chest with my needle dagger.

The creature yelped in pain. It cracked all around their body. Inside it glowed. Sonething told me to flee. I crawled away from that thing.  The dream hunter burned in ashes.  Manson and mary looked in shook. "Incredible..."  manson said. My heart beater fast as it would jump out of my chest. "that...was...AWESOME!!! HOW DID YOU KNOW THE CHEST WAS THE MOST SENSITIVE SPOT TO ATTACK?!" mary yelled "maybe because I stabbed right intp its heart?" I answered. I stood slowly up "ana... you are aware you could not find sleep? " manson asked "I am used to it. After struggeling around my own world I could not find sleep at night. " I answered. Unknown walked forward. "We better go back..." manson said. Did as told we walked back to the dollhouse. As we entered the house heart ran to us, hugging mary "THERE YOU ARE! I'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK!" Heart yelled "we are all ok. The most damages where having anastsia and manson" mary said "is that thing gone?" Manson asked "you bet it is. Anastasia killed it" manson answered "wow! Would  like to seen it. " heart answered "you shure would. But anastasia is now affected by it... where is blue?" Manson asked "ah she is trying to fix la llorana because of her psyhical issues we all know. " heart answered. He looked at me "are you ok? Do you know you cannot find any sleep now?" He asked "I do" I answered. Honestly. I have no idea when its evening, night or day cause everything seemed like night. And I never got tired or the willing to sleep. It is strange. Since I am here in the forest I never found myself to sleep. But I found my selfesteem back. That was at least something...

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