Chapter 60- Taunting Doubts

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[] A M E L I A []

I drove home in utter confusion. All of what Lillian told me about Jackson didn't seem to fit.

Why wouldn't he come home for three years? Yet, he managed to always find me where I went? And if he claimed to love Brittany so much, why hasn't he been there for his mother, Lillian?

Was that his way of coping with the loss of Brittany? By ignoring his mother, who went through the same loss and clearly needed him?

Question after question plagued my mind. However, I couldn't find the answer to any of them.

* * *

I got home in the early hours of the morning, nearly at 5 am. I had gone to sleep, my mind still running with questions. However, when I had almost drifted off to sleep, I somehow thought of a solution to all of this. I didn't know if it would work, but I wanted to give it a try.

When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I did was barge into my parent's room. My dad was just getting out of bed and mom was brushing her hair in front of the vanity. Both were startled when I came in, and in a rush I went to go sit by Dad.

"Whoa, morning there pumpkin! Why are you up so early?" Dad asked, yawning as he did so.

"Mom, dad. There's something I wanted to say," I said, switching between looking at Mom and Dad.

Mom stopped brushing her hair and came to sit beside me.

"What is it Amelia?" Mom asked tenderly.

"I want to see Levi."

Before I could even blink, Dad rose from his spot on the bed. He looked down at me, a furious expression on his face. I had never seen him like that.

"Absolutely not," he said.

I frowned in confusion.

"No, Amelia. No way. I am not letting you near him. Just... no."

Dad started pacing, hands on his hips, as he muttered incoherent words under his breath. I let out a deep breath and turned to Mom. She was already staring at me, a curious glint on her face.

"Why Amelia?" She asked.

Dad froze and also turned to me. I eyed both of them nervously, not knowing how to say what I wanted to without hurting both of them. They also couldn't know that I had gone to visit Lillian. I don't know how they would react.

I finally let out a breath and faced them.

"Because I want to let go."

Both Mom and Dad gave me their full attention, their eyes wide.

"I want to forgive myself. I'm so sick of hurting like this. Ever since yesterday, I've been thinking that all my life has just been a blur. I can't tell the truth from lies anymore and I don't want to live like this. I want to stay in Lethbrigde, I want to go grocery shopping without feeling eyes on me every second, and I want to stay with the people I care about, without feeling afraid."

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