Chapter 28- Taunting Threats

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After Amelia told everyone about her brother on Saturday night, nothing much shifted in our group. We still had lunch and dinner together almost every day, and even found time in between to hangout. But somehow, we grew closer emotionally. 

In some weird way, the tiny girl with wide brown eyes and a heavy past, managed to open us up. Now, we shared laughs like never before, were less closed off to others around us, and I certainly wasn't as brash as I used to be. 

All because Amelia Harrison showed up and was injured her way into our lives. 

It had been three days since she told Andre and Jamal, and it was already Tuesday morning now. I was just thinking of her as I was getting ready for class when suddenly, my phone rang in my pocket. I pulled it out, surprised to see 'Lars'  flashing on the screen. 

Immediately, a grin lit up my features and I picked up the call. 

"Morning, little sis. What's up?" I casually asked, making my way to the kitchen. 

It was silent on the other end, and I froze in my step, worry taking over me almost instantly. 

"Hey Lars? Are you okay?" I asked. 

I heard a deep 'phew' on the other side and I frowned in confusion. 

"There you are. I was wondering who picked up earlier," she said on the other end. 

My brows furrowed deeper.  

"What the heck are you talking about?" I asked. 

"Well someone picked up earlier, sounding all happy and stuff. Who was it?" she asked casually. 

And to my dispense, I chuckled at her stupid and nonexistent joke. 

"Hilarious Lars," I commented, finally resuming my way to the kitchen. 

It was silent on the other end again, and suddenly, I heard a loud, "What the fuck?!"

"Language, Lars," I simply said. 

"Leo Noah Kennedy. What the heck is going on? Are you seeing someone? Is she pretty? Does she know you're an idiot? When can I meet her?! And what the hell?" she rambled. 

I sighed. 

"Nothing is going on. Get your head out of the clouds," I muttered. 

I walked over to the fridge and looked around for something to eat. I remembered a random tune I used to play on my guitar a lot, and lightly hummed it as I went along.

"Do you even hear yourself? Leo," she emphasized. "-you sound lovestruck."

My hand that was rummaging through the fridge came to a complete stop, my tune dying in my throat. I stayed frozen for a moment longer, before finally snapping out of it.

"Lars... I'm hanging up now," I simply said. 

"Wait, wait, wait! I called for something important. Mom's calling you home this weekend, and she said that you have to bring that new lady friend of yours the boys mentioned last time you came, or she won't let you enter the house ever again-"

"What lady friend?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't mention Amelia.

"The girl who was looking over Jamal's hamster. Emily, was it? No wait, Amy? No, that's not it either..."

By now, Lars was simply talking to herself. I sighed and rubbed my forehead in frustration.

"Lars, I'm not bringing Amelia to our house," I said.

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