Chapter 13- Taunting Photographs

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[] A M E L I A []

After the game on Sunday, the five of us fell into an easy routine. Usually, we would have lunch together with the occasional missing person due a study session with someone else or in Jamal's case, being at basketball practise. After lunch, we headed our separate ways to go classes and such. Gemma and I sometimes grabbed dinner together, with Andre, and even Leo joining us at times. Jamal almost always had practise until 8 or so.

We were already five weeks into the semester, meaning that most midterms were about to begin. Starting today, all five of us were starting to pick out time slots to study together. Since I had Sociology with Andre and Gemma, the three of us decided to meet sometime next week to study. As for Leo and I, we didn't have an English paper, only a final at the end of December. But we had many assignments to complete in between. Lastly, my other two courses were also taken care of.

Now, the only thing left was to actually start studying for them.

Another thing that was new, was that Leo had been more open to me ever since he apologized to me in English. He had been more talkative by asking about how my day had been and such, and to be honest, it was quite overwhelming.

For some reason, I felt safer when he just ignored me. But when he talked to me... I felt like he could see through me. I felt as if I couldn't lie to him even if I wanted to, because he would just know.

It was almost as if he was testing me. As if he could see beneath the layers.

It was as if he knew that there was another Amelia Harrison hiding underneath the exterior.

But he couldn't. There was absolutely no way he could know.


I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard jostling of papers and zzippp of bags being closed. I pulled the pen out of my mouth and placed it on the desk. I packed up my things quickly, as to not keep Leo waiting for me.

'Yes Amelia, why don't you just daydream about the guy who is literally sitting next to you in a classroom full of people. Just brilliant.'

I swallowed the thought as quick as it came and shoved my notebook into my bag, zipping my bag shut. Leo turned to face me and rose a brow at me.

"Getting faster at this I see," he said, gesturing to my quick pack-up.

I gave him a flat look, then quickly covered it up with a frown. Better to stay on his good side. Leo's face contorted in confusion for a split second, before he composed himself.

"After you," he said, gesturing for me to go first.

I brushed past him and started heading down the ramp. Suddenly, his voice caught my attention and I spun around to face him.

"-onie, you forgot your pen."

He held out the pen to me and I frowned taking it from him. He continued making his way down the stairs, and I was still left standing there and thinking about what he had just called me.

"You coming?" he called, snapping me out of my reverie.

I snapped my attention to him and made my way down the stairs after him. As we made it outside, I fell in step beside him. Curiously, I turned to him with a questioning gaze.

"What did you just call me back there?" I asked.

To my utter disbelief, he shrugged.

"What did I just call you?"

I sighed, a little irritated.

"That's what I'm asking."

Suddenly, he smirked, making my jaw tick further in annoyance.

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