27. Now She's Back

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Chapter Twenty Seven.

"Hey!" Liam greeted as soon as he opened the door. Although his eyes fell on me first, he smiled only when he saw Jack.

I had insisted Jack to let me keep the posters, that I had carried from home, in my room but he didn't listen and dragged me along with him. I felt really unwelcomed when Liam opened the door further for Jack to get in and Jack obliged, leaving me outside.

"Uh, hey, I really need to go. You know, I promised Anna we'd put up posters today so..." I spoke up, keeping my eyes on Jack who looked at me raising both of his eyebrows.

"She and Mikey left for a movie a while back." Liam informed without really replying to me. I looked at him then at Jack.


"Just get in." Liam ordered and I couldn't deny it so I just walked in before he could shut the door on my face in anger.

I was in his room twice in one day, weird how I didn't visit him when we used to talk.

"So, what brings you here, Mr. Ballerina?" Liam moves towards his desk and closes his laptop before sitting on the moving chair and turning around.

"Can't I be here to meet my little brother?" Jack replied and pushed me so that I sat on the bed that I was sitting on before when I came here with Anna. Then, he laid on the other one and closed his eyes.

"Dude, shoes off! That is Mikey's bed!" Liam scolded Jack, making me grow even more cautious. I shouldn't be so uncomfortable, damn it! I sat up even straighter than I was before, almost on the edge and gaining myself a weird look from Liam. I awkwardly smiled. Jack didn't let the information that Liam passed get to him and stayed on the bed.

"So, tell me, are you failing yet?" Jack questioned.

Liam scoffed. "In your dreams."

And then they started making fun of each other, making me chuckle awkwardly because Jack kept dragging me in between.

At one point, Jack's phone rang and he went outside, instead of the balcony, to answer it. I kept my eyes focused on the posters in my hand and didn't dare to look up.

"I may be a psychopath sometimes but I'm not poster obsessed." Liam's voice startled me as I grew even more nervous.

"What?" I asked, finally looking at him.

"You can keep them aside." He told me and turned around in his chair then opened his laptop again.

I quickly set them beside me and glanced at him again. I need to talk to him. Or at least appologize. We can't act like strangers all the time.

"Liam?" I tried speaking up but it came like a whisper. He still turned around as if he was waiting for me to say something. "Is something wrong?" I stupidly asked. I should've told him that I'm sorry!

"No." He answered shortly after a second and as if on cue, Jack opened the door, frowning.

"I gotta go." Jack told us before closing the door again, leaving no trace and without any further details.

I glanced at Liam after watching Jack rush away. I can't stay alone with him. It's awkward and I can't even talk to him.

"I should probably go, too." I mumbled before standing up and he nodded his head, continuing whatever he was doing on his laptop.

I quickly walked out and shut the door before taking a deep sigh.

Why am I acting so weird? I shouldn't be so stupid and just appologize. He's my friend. A very good friend. I can't just lose him in a stupid argument that we didn't even have. I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding.

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