26. Out There?

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Chapter Twenty Six.

It has been three days since Liam's birthday, the day that brought a lot of things on me. I have no idea what went wrong but Liam and I haven't been talking since. I didn't do anything, why was he mad at me?

But it was okay for him to do so as I haven't really approached him either. I, sometimes, really think that I have symptoms of bipolarity because of my mood swings but then again, I've already been to the therapist so they would've suspected it beforehand.

It was Saturday and I had no job or classes to attend so I decided to study for a while but eventually got bored.

I rubbed my face with my hands and stretched out while sitting in the chair, deeply sighing.

"Just go talk to him and stop torturing yourself." Anna's sudden voice made me jump out of my chair, making me hit my stomach on the edge of the desk. I groaned as Anna started giggling at me.

"What are you talking about?" I played dumb and clutched my stomach as the pain shot up in my muscles.

I earned an eye roll from her in response. "It's not a secret that you haven't been hanging around with Liam lately."

"It's not like that. We-"

"Save your self some sins and don't lie. Come with me, I'm going to see Mikey right now." She offered.

I nodded because Liam really wasn't leaving my mind anyways. Whatever his personality is, he's still at least my friend and I care about him. God, how can I be so stupid?! I made him upset on his freaking birthday. I fought with him on his birthday. I pushed him inside a freaking swimming pool on his freaking birthday even though it wasn't his freaking fault! I should be the one to appologize to him for everything.

Besides, just that morning he told me how he thinks that he's always bothering me because I never reach out to him. I am so damn stupid. I can't believe it took me three days to realize that I should appologize to him for my mistakes. He never got mad at me when I snapped at him suddenly and let me just admit that I am always acting like a bitch towards him. Now he must think that I don't care about him when in reality, I really do.

Soon enough we were standing outside their room. Anna knocked on the door twice before the door opened revealing Mikey with a grin on his face.

Even though him and Anna didn't work it out on the third date, they've grown closer and became very good friends. Since Mikey was from Los Angeles and Anna was from San Francisco, they had more similarities than they thought.

"Hey, come in." Mikey opened the door further for us to get in.

Anna pushed me inside as I was really, really nervous because I had never been in Liam's and Mikey's room before. I felt very awkward.

My eyes quickly searched for Liam but sadly, he wasn't there.

I looked around the room to find the interior design exactly like our room but obviously, they hadn't put folding screen in the space between their beds like we did. And they didn't put band's and singer's poster on their closet and the back of their doors like we have planned to do.

I spent about half an hour with Mikey and Anna until they decided to talk about Mikey's roommate; Liam. Because, apparently, it was necessary for Anna to ask about him. I can't deny that I didn't wanted to know for myself but I just couldn't ask.

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