25. While You Were Looking For Yourself

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Chapter Twenty Five.

(A/N : Play the video
after Harry leaves
For better effect
or whatever.)

I shook my head at Harry as he kept insisting me to spend the night here.

"Listen, I'm not doing that. I have to attend classes early tomorrow. I really can't." I told him.

Harry ran his fingers through his hair and sighed as he sat on the single couch. We were in one of the guest rooms and I had a towel wrapped around my body with wet clothes still on.

"Come on, everybody's staying! It's just one night!" He requested. "Consider it a sleep over. Wait... It is a sleepover. Yeah!" He chuckles at himself then looked back at me. "Pretty please?"

I rolled my eyes at him and almost sat beside him but then thought better and decided not to since it would ruin the couch.

"Haz, I can't-"

"Stay!" He shouted at me suddenly, making me jump in surprise.

"Okay!" I shouted back shutting my eyes as my heart raced because of his outburst.

Harry chuckled and hugged me. "Ain't no one like my Emma." He smiled up at me.

"Why, thank you." I smiled. "But I would appreciate it if you get away because everything is clinging inside."

He hugged me even tighter and then appologized.

"Go get me some clothes now." I ordered.

"I could give you mine if you like." Harry smirked as he offered, making me hit his arm as I chuckled.

"Go back to your girlfriend!"

"I could leave her for you, Emma, you know, I love you." Harry took my hand with a playful smile.

"Enough, Styles, else I'm calling Anne or worse, Louis." I warned as I laughed at him.

He quickly stood up with a pout and then started laughing as he walked out. I locked the door behind him and I quickly took off the wet clothes and only wrapped the towel around.

Thank the good Lord, my hair were no longer dripping water so I went undercovers and switched on the television.

My phone was safely kept in Louis' special room and I'm grateful for that because it would've malfunctioned if it were to be with me when I was a pushed inside the pool.

I don't understand what the hell is that Aiden's problem with me. Why does he keep bothering me, and why did he approach me in the first place? He talked to me as if I was an uncivilized bitch. I didn't like his attitude at all but it hurt me to not know the reason behind his doings. As I was trying to convince myself to not care, I still cared.

It didn't help that Liam's attitude didn't change at all even after I saw his girlfriend kiss him. Was she even his girlfriend? I have no idea! I shouldn't care about it either. I just want him to stop flirting with me because a person like me, who have absolute zero experience in the field of romantic relationships, consider it a very big deal. I don't want to play his stupid games, I want to focus on my what's ahead of this. After all, the past crushes that I've had only led to heartbreak because I was always too scared to confront them.

Anyways, it's not like if I had confronted, it would've made any difference. It wouldn't have. Because everybody knows that I have just as many issues as hair on my head. I can't love someone, just like no one can love me. It is different with friends, and family. But I don't consider myself as someone who's flaws will be acceptable by another person.

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