24. And Did You Miss Me

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Chapter Twenty Four.

"What took you so long?" Jack asked me as soon as I was standing beside him.

"He stopped listening to me after two hours and took us to a restaurant because he was hungry." I simply answered. I kept myself tilted towards him, ignoring whatever was going on around us.

"I missed you so much! I'm so sorry-" The same girl who was dressed in yellow started speaking.

"I'm going to grab myself a drink." I told Jack and walked through the parting crowd, making my way towards the kitchen where the drinks were.

Oblivious to everyone around me, I got myself water first and opened the refrigerator to get appyfizz as well. I don't know why but I just feel like drinking water before I drink or eat anything else.

"You should've seen your face." An unfamiliar deep voice mocked beside me. I closed the door of the fridge as I took out the drink.

"Excuse me?" I asked the tall boy standing in front of me. His dark eyes looked intently into mine.

"You know, when that chick jumped on him and made out." He snickered at me. The way he talked to me, hit some buttons in my head and I remembered just who it was.

"Well, maybe you should shut the f-" I started but was cut off when Hailee joined.

"Hey, so I see you both met already!" She smiled widely. I think she's already tipsy.

"Not really. I don't really "meet" with people like her." He informed her nonchalantly. What did he mean by "people like her"?!

"I'm sorry, Hailee, I don't care whoever the shit this guy is. I would appreciate it if you let me go and save this guy's ass from getting insulted." I told her and walked away from them without looking back but I still saw the boy's mouth hung open.

It was not hard to recognize him when he stopped speaking. It was that troublemaker guy who barged into my room that day. I think his name was Aiden, but Asshole would work just fine.

"Come on, just taste this once." Louis tried to make me drink from his cup. I sealed my mouth shut and pushed it away, refusing again.

"Curly, make him stop or I'll have to beat the crap out of him and you wouldn't like that." I looked at Harry as I warned him. Harry chuckled at me and soon, wrapped his hands around Louis, locking his arms.

"Hazza, no!" Louis scolded.

Me and Eleanor laughed at his attempts of getting out of Harry's grip.

"Stop manhandling my babe!" Eleanor shouted as she laughed.

"Here, you all are!" Niall walked towards us with Gemma by his side.

"Hey!" I called out at Gemma. She looked at me as he eyebrows flashed and she smiled as we shared a hug.

When I let go, she hugged Eleanor quickly.

"Where's your girlfriend, bug bro?" She asked in a little girl's voice. Gemma was a year younger than Harry and when she didn't call him "Harriet", she liked to call him "bug bro" because apparently, Harry was a bug with all his puns and knock knock jokes.

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