Chapter Six

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Stained Red Chapter Six

Isaac awoke the next morning, groaning as the sun came through his window. Opening his eyes, slowly he looked around him and found the bed empty, his memories of last night telling him in hazy details that he didn't go to bed that way. No he had went to bed with the woman he had met at the bar. He was sure she had told him her name but he couldn't remember it now.

Sitting up in the bed, he looked at his surroundings, finding no trace at all that he had anyone in the room with him at all. Figures, he'd find a woman to fuck and she'd do a bailing act the next day. At least that was one thing he had gotten used to with Natalie. Being married meant the other person never bailed after sex.

Standing from the bed, Isaac reached down for his boxers and slipped them on, heading over to his suitcase. On the way there, he stopped when he saw a piece of paper laying on the table by the tv. Picking it up he scanned the paper over.

All it said was that he had looked so peaceful sleeping, that she hadn't wanted to wake him. Of course she hadn't even signed her name either.

"Fuck," he sighed as he crumpled the paper up and threw it in the trashcan, going back to walking to his suitcase.

His luck lately with love would of course stay bad. He should have known some random bar fuck would have amounted to nothing. Opening his suitcase, he got some clothes out and headed into the bathroom to take a shower. He just wanted to get to the studio as quickly as possible now and then get this day over with.

Putting his clean clothes on the back of the toilet, he slipped out of his boxers and bent down, turning the water on. After it was on and warm enough for his taste he stepped under the water and relaxed slightly. He was sure that getting this day over with could and probably would get worse. Once his day started off bad, it seemed to stay bad.

Showering quickly, Isaac got out and turned the water off. Reaching for a towel he dried off and then got dressed before leaving the bathroom. Right as he left the bathroom, he rolled his eyes as he heard a knock at the door.

Isaac went to the door and opened it, raising an eyebrow as he came face to face with his soon to be ex-wife. What the heck was she doing here?

"You know," he said as Natalie pushed her way past him, "I didn't tell you my room number for a reason," he said as he shut the door once she inside. "And where is Audrey?"

"Audrey is with a baby-sitter," Natalie informed Isaac as she crossed her arms. "And I know you didn't tell me your room number for a reason, that's why I got the number from your mother," she smiled as she sat down on his bed. "What gives you the right to tell Taylor about my history with Zac?"

Isaac rolled his eyes as he listened to Natalie speak, "It slipped," he muttered as he watched her sit down on the bed. "Why do you care and how did you even find out?"

Natalie shrugged some, "I care because he could tell Kate," she said as she made a face. That was the only big secret she was hiding from Kate, that she had been with Zac. She knew if Kate knew that Kate would be pissed at her. "I found out when Taylor dropped by the house earlier to ask me for help. He wants to propose to his girlfriend."

Isaac felt his eyes get big at Natalie's last words, "He is that serious over this Nikki chick?" Isaac asked as he crossed his arms. "He's only been dating her for a month now."

"I guess he is that serious," Natalie said as she looked at Isaac. "What does it matter if he loves her?"

Isaac scoffed at Natalie's words, "Taylor doesn't love her," he said so sure of his words. "Taylor wouldn't know love if it bit him in the ass."

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