the cats game

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"So. What do we do kid? You know her more." Tony said.

"All we need is the suit case. Get that back we beat her." Peter said. Tony nodded in understanding. He then shot forward towards the case but black cat grabbed it and got out of his way. Iron man slid on the ground as he came to a stop. He raised his hands towards cat to fire a repulsive beam. The beam missed as black cat moved in close and grabbed iron man by the suit. Grabbing his left arm she crushed the suits arm. Tony cried out in pain then threw a right hook. But cat blocked it. To her surprise his right arm was unarmored. She looked at starks mask then heard the sound of propulsion. Looking back she saw that the arm grabbed the case and was using some extra propulsion from smaller extra rockets. Cat then kicked tony away and shot a grappling hook to grab the case then began to pull against the iron man arm. Peter jumped in and grabbed the case out of the iron man arms hand and cats grappling hook. Cat then ran towards peter grabbing the case then pushing off of him with her legs. As she was in the air she spun in a 180 so that she faced the stair and made a sprint for them. Peter looked at iron. He had removed his mask.

"Go get her! My suit has to reboot. That last kick hit hard and damaged my suits ventilation." Stark said. With that peter ran to the stairs and followed her up several floors. But her head start was too great. When peter got onto the floor he found her taking the elevator. Peter then began to sprint to her. When the elevator dinged she practically leapt into the elevator and began to mash the close button. As peter got closer the elevator closed and began to move. Peter listened and realized the elevator was going up. Peter opened the second elevator door before jumping in to run to the top of the elevator. When he got on top he made a loud thump. He then ripped the panel off and looked in on Cat.

"Hey. How's it going?" Peter asked. He then saw the floor she was going to. It was the roof. "Shit." He said as he looked up to see the top of the shaft five feet away. Peter flipped onto the side of the elevator before he began to open the doors to the roof from the second elevator. When he came to the roof he saw the cat was running to edge of the building. Peter then shot a web that caught her and yanked her back. Peter then started one of their unbrealable fights where Peters strength outweighed the cats and her skill allowed her to evade peter. But since she had on a new suit that increased peter had to go a little bit harder. As peter was about to hit her she dodged by squatting down then she launched herself up into the air. She must have gone up 20 ft in the air. Peter watched her in surprise. Then again it makes sense that the suit would allow her to do it. When she landed she grabbed the case and made a bee line for the edge. As she began to reach it Peter noticed something. The very edge was glass. If she was gonna perform a super jump like what she just did she was in trouble.

"Wait!!!" Peter yelled trying to stop her. Most likely the cat wasn't thinking about this but in physics there is thing called Newton's law that says every action has an equal and opposite reaction. For cat to perform a super jump would mean that she is putting huge amounts of pressure against the ground and if Peters calculations were correct her super jump would put so much pressure on the glass in such a small area it would break. Peter ran after her in an attempt to stop and save her but he didn't make it in time as she went to jump. Suddenly the glass broke beneath her before she could jump, just as peter had thought. Peter ran to the edge of the building and jumped after her. Black cat and the case were both in a free fall. Peter ran the calculations in his head as fast as possible. Being the human calculator he was he knew he and the cat had about 4.19 seconds till ground impact not including air resistance as they were about twenty stories up. Black cats scream filled the air as she fell. Since Cat had her arms and legs out she was falling slower then peter as he was going straight down cutting through the air like it was butter. Ignoring the case peter grabbed the cat and immediately shot a web that would slow them down. The entire ordeal after peter caught her she held onto him for dear life and buried her head in his chest as she was scared for dear life. When they came to a stop from the web they were about a foot off the ground. Peter let the web go dropping them onto the ground. She screamed in surprise from the foot drop but regained her composure. Slowly she steadied her breathing. Then looked up at Peters mask. Peter looked down at her.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Yes." She replied.

"I caught you. So did I win the bet right?" Peter asked between breaths.

"The bet? Oh!... the bet.... Yes. You caught me. So I guess I have to stop being a thief now." She stated.

"That was the bet." Peter explained.

"It was. But um... Can you uh... put me down now?" She asked. Peter looked then realized he had put her in a princess carry. Realizing what she asked he set her down back on her feet. He then heard the familiar sound of the iron man suit.

"You might wanna go. I can hear mr. Stark getting ready to come down here." Peter said telling cat to leave. She looked at him.

"Ok. But first." She said. She grabbed Peters mask quickly and pulled it up just enough so that his mouth was exposed. Then grabbed his face and pulled him into a deep kiss, surprising peter. When she pulled away she was an inch from him. "Thank you." She said before leaving. Peter just looked at where she went.

"Your welcome." Peter said clearly in a daze. He heard stark on his way down and fixed his mask. Quickly he grabbed the case. When stark got down he looked around.

"Where is she?" Stark asked.

"I don't know. But she didn't get this." Peter said as he held up the case.

"Great." Tony said as he took the case and opened it. Inside was a destroyed container that was now empty. "What!?" Tony said angrily. He looked around but couldn't find what he was looking for.

"What's wrong?" Peter asked.

"Since I'm guessing you didn't save the case. The container was broken when it hit the ground. This was project generation. This was gonna be a scientific breakthrough." Tony said. He then looked at peter.

"Don't look at me. I can barely afford rent." Peter said.

"Yes. But your one of the greatest scientific minds on the planet. I don't doubt you'd be willing to pay off the debt you've made by doing some work for me." Iron man said. Peter stuttered as he tried to say he couldn't but then gave up.

"Fine." Peter said.

"Great. I'll mail you the paper work." He said before blasting off.

"Fucking hell." He said as he slumped forward. "You so owe me cat." Peter said as he webslinged away.

An Unlucky Spider (Reboot)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora