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I jump out of my car as soon as I pull into my driveway. Jimin follows close behind.

I rush through the door and my ex has Taehyung against the wall my his neck.

A/N: Sorry for such an intense opening💀

"Shit! Jaebum!", I scream as his grip gets tighter, his fingertips ghostly white. Taehyung's face loses its color as his eyes roll back. I manage to pull Jaebum off him before Jaebum can kill him.

He smirks when he sees my hand on his arm. "Hey, babygirl m, miss me?", he growls as his eyes scan my face. He leans in to kiss me, but Jimin interferes by punching him in his cheek.


Jaebum falls to the ground as Jimin punches him repeatedly. I pull him off and he stumbles back. Jaebum gets up and smirks.

"Don't you dare touch her again or I swear I will fucking murder your ass.", Jimin growls. Jaebum only laughs and steps up.

"What are you going-" His sentence is cut off by a huge kitchen knife being plunged into his neck. He gasps as blood shoots through his neck.

I scream as he falls to the ground, lifeless and pale "No! What the fuck!,"

In his place is an angry and blood-drenched Taehyung. "I- I had to. For you! He was going to hurt you!"

I strain to get a word out, but all I do is breathe and look at the once alive Jaebum.

"Dude, just go. She doesn't want to talk right now.", Jimin says, his calm voice not helping with me at all.

"But I can help! We will just have to get rid of the body and-"

"And how are we going to do that, huh? You killed a man! You have to fix this! Not us!", Jimin yells at the top of his lungs.

"But you were there! Meaning you could turn me in anytime you wanted! And plus, you did punch the living daylights out of him!"

"But that doesn't mean shit! I didn't kill him!"

"Okay you two! Enough!", I scream. The silence breaks and it is just dead. "Look, we are all going to fix this. Starting with getting rid of the body. Let's go."

I grab Jaebum by his arm and drag him to the backyard. I put his body in a trash bag, with the help of Jimin and Taehyung. "Get me a match."

Jimin runs inside to get q box of matches. When he returns, he hands me a box of matches. I light the match and throw it on the bag. The bag lights in flames and we watch as Jaebum's body burns to a crisp.

"If anyone asks, we are burning trash.", I say to the both of them. My hands are covered in blood, but I hug Jimin.

"I'm so sorry. I wanted this to be a good day. I'm so sorry.", I cry into Jimin's neck. He smiles.

"It's not your fault. It's okay. Just being with you makes every day a good day.", He cups my face and kisses me. I smile.

"Let's go clean the blood."


We get all the cleaners we can find and spray the blood. The metallic smell of his blood makes me want to faint.

Scrubbing at the floors like Cinderella, we were all getting tired. Right now, I wanted nothing more than to just crash. A nice sleep is what I need after this long day.

"Okay, the blood is gone. Now, let's all go have a talk.", I say as I go to my room. The two boys follow me.

I close my door and lock it once we are all inside. "Look, Jimin. I love you with all my heart, and I appreciate everything you do to protect me, but you don't have to go punching and threatening boys that talk to me. So, please, don't do it again. I can fight my own battles."

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