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I wake up from a surprisingly peaceful sleep. The nightmares seem to have stopped.

I wake up to an empty house, and I immediately wonder where Taehyung is. I look in his room, and there is no trace of him. I see a little note on the bed.

Hey! I knew you would come in here to check up on me, so I wanted to let you know that I am visiting a friend. I will see you soon!


I put the note down and fix breakfast. I was clearly going to be alone for the rest of the day, so I decide on going to a nearby coffee  shop.

I slip on some leggings with a sweater and boots. I get my car keys and walk out the door and to the coffee shop.

I sit in the coffee shop, waiting for my coffee as the news broadcast comes on. The news anchor comes on with a breaking news report.

"We are just getting word that a 24 year old who answers to Park Jimin is missing. If you may have any information that can lead to funding this man, call the number below."

"Hopefully he gets found, and returned home safely. Anyway, Margaret..."

It is like time stopped. My boyfriend is missing. I don't notice the coffee being seated in front of me as I let tears pour down my face.

"What happen3d?", Jin asks me, coning to sit next to me.

A/N: y'all thought u forgot abt momma jin💀💀

"That guy that was on the bed is my boyfriend."

He gasps. "Oh NY god, I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault." I get my mug of coffee and chug it down as my tears flow. "I need to go find him. The police aren't going to do it."

I get up and rush out of there despite Jin calling after me.

I run down the street of his home, calling his name. I'm pretty sure everyone heard me.

"Jimin! Baby! Where are you?!"

I slow down to pull out my phone and call him.

"It's Jimin! I'm not able to get to my phone right now, but if you can, leave a message!"

I throw my phone back in my bag, and sink next to a bench. I cry. I can't stand the thought of the person I love so much, more than myself being missing. But, I hope that he is okay and head to his house.

The walk is long, since he lives a little ways past my house. It starts to rain, my clothes getting soaked. I regret wearing a polka dot bra. My jeans stick to my legs, and my shoes are filled with water

"Jimin, where He you?"

A strong wind follows the rain, making me shiver in my wet clothes. I huddle myself hoping for some more warmth.

After a few hours, I walk up to his house. The lights are still on, so that must mean he is still in there. I run to the home, knocking hard.

"Jimin! It's me! Open up!"

No answer.

I try to open the door, and the door pushes open without any trouble. Weird.

I look at the house, and the first thing I notice is the way the things in it have been misplaced. Its almost as if there was a struggle. There are broken vases, windows, and even some broken picture frames.

I go deeper in the house, looking for any sign of Jimin. The door yo his room is wide open, and when I walk in, it looks exactly like the living room and kitchen. Its all misplaced stuff.

The window isnt open, so someone couldnt have broken in that way. Something gleaming on the ground catches my eye. I bend down to pick it up' and immediately drop it.

A bloody knife falls back on the ground. My heart rate accelerates, and my palms start to sweat. Telling myself not to think about the worst case scenario, I go to the bathroom to do some further investigations of my own.

The bathroom is spotless. Like Jimin's bathroom usually is.

I step back, stumbling on a couple of his clothes. I zee something on the nightstand on side of his bed. I go to pick it up.

Its a little black velvet box. I open it uptofine a ridiculously large ring in it.

Was he going to propose?

I push the thought out of my mind and begin to leave his home. I am terrified when I leave, but all I can do is hope for the best.

"Well, Dan, according to the city police, there havent been any leads or clyes to what happened to Park Jimin. When we did a search of his home, we found a bloody knife, which was sampled and clrarly Jimin's blood, but no fingerprints. Clearly, whoever kidnapped him, they were smart."

"So, the police say that there was a little velvet box on his nightstand. Could it have been for the attacker?"

"We arent saying yhe story goes that deep, but it could be a possibility that this is a story of jealousy."

I find myself in the coffee shop often. Jimin has been missing for three days. This is the only place where I can find some peavce.

"You want another espresso, babe?", Jin asks. I not and close my baggy eyes. He sighs.

"You know the polive arent going to do anything. They take long so they can get more money after the fact."

I look up. "I cant just sit here and hope he comea back. You heard it yourself. A bloody knife was found on the scene. Something bad happened."

"You dont know. It could be his kidnapper's blood. Maybe he tried to protect himself.", Jin says, pourinf my next cup of coffee.

"Maybe youre right."

"Bitch, I'm always right."

I giggle lightly, glancing up at the screen. The news anchors are discussing something that isnt relevant to my situation.

"Please let Jimin be okay."

I get home and fix some leftovers. On social media, all anyone has been talking about is Jimin. People must really miss him.

I know I do.

I slip on some house slippers and sit on my couch to eat. My sandwich has some honey mustard dripping out of the sides, but I dont care.

A/N: If y'all want a good ass sandwich, toast some bread, put some turkey, lettuce, and cheese on it with some honey mustard and some ketchup. Talk abouy perfection😍😍

I turn on my TV and see what anyone and everyone knows about. Jimin.

" There have been some missing cases similar to this one. Wehave founs out that he did have a girlfriend, Y/N. Her whereabouts are currently unknown, but I am mlre than certain she has nothing to do with this case. Her record is spotless, she has straight As, and she also has a job at the Sierra Grace  Psychiatric Hospital. Shes a good girl."

"Is there anyone you can consider as a suspect?"

" Well, we were able to pull up his records of his phone, and someone named Taehyung can be a possible suspect, but we cant be suee until we can confirm he is a suspect."

I stare atthe screen in shock. Taehyung? Out of all people?

" Looks like they found out." 

I turn around and see Taehyung smirking devilishly. "Did you...kidnap Jimin?"

He walks closer. "Dont sorry about that."

He takes a needle out of his pocket, but my body is in a state of shock to even do anything. The needle makes contact with my skin, I start to see black.

"You're mine."
Sorry for the long wait! Ive been suer busy!

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