The boys have been arguing to and fro claiming they know best how to suggest the best movie to anyone. And, as it is, no one is ready to lose or agree with the other person about how dope their choice is. So they let their ego take the best part of them and keep arguing like idiots. The weather is chilly today. And no, it isn't snowing. It just happens to be drizzling outside.

"Where did y'all keep money heist? I think money heist is better than all your choices joined together." Jess blurted out with a shrug and continue using her fingers to lay her edges well.

"Y'all have bad choices and can't pick good movies to safe a life." Ian blamed everyone while they hissed at him. "

"Anyways I prefer pretty woman to coming to America. What do you say to that tomboy?" Ian started again and ruffled my hair in the process.

"I say, how about you leave my hair the fuck alone," I scolded and head butt him while he fell on his butt with others chuckling.

"Nice say, Anna banana," Jess said amidst snickers and continued laughing out loud while the others joined her.

"Are you okay?" Mike asked and tried to pull him up.

He groaned. "Yeah, but my dignity isn't."

"That's been long gone, man. It no news," Eric whined and caused another ruckus of laughter.

"Ding!" Ian blurted out as tried to massage his ass.

"What was that for?" Jess queried with the raise of an eyebrow.

"That's my high bulb idea sound. I had no idea my dignity was far gone." He whimpered and began to shake his head dejectedly while I patted his back and shrugged my shoulders.

While we continued our arguments in the hallway. Everyone trying to say one thing or the other to get their point across when a loud thud stole our attention.

The chubbiest and plumpest kid that weigh over 300 pounds just tripped and fell on the floor. He is one of the most bullied kids in the school. His entire body is wet. Right from the crown of his head, to the sole of his feet. His blonde hair fell limply covering half of his face. His umbrella lay beside him on the floor and his raincoat seems not to be doing it job properly by protecting him from the rain or cold.

The student fell into laughter and began kicking his bags and umbrella. While some took photos of him, ready to post it with the most horrible hashtag on Twitter.

The boy struggled to get up and when he was halfway up, he collapsed on the floor again making the kids roar in laughter.

"Hey, fattie, why don't you stop eating that ice cream and go for a run." Nate teased with a fake smile and the others laughed.

"Hey, broomstick, why don't you mind your business and keep taking your salad and water." The boy taunted Nate with a smile while the others gasped in astonishment. Guess the kids ran out of laughter battery. But guess who did the honour of laughing on their behalf?

I said take a wild guess! Quit being a show spoiler.

It was me and the guys. We laughed and gradually, the whole school started laughing.

"How dare you!" Nate hollered angrily as her cheek became instantly red at the embarrassment. A whole drama queen given a public disgrace isn't something to witness daily.

Nate walked closer to the boy and pushed his head with her heels. Her shoe print designed his forehead as expected, but a pool of red blood soon covered the print.

Nate brought out a permanent marker from her pants and began to draw a poo sticker all around his face. Small poo sticker soon multiplied around his face as other students began taking pictures excitedly while the boy looked ahead dejectedly. He didn't bother trying to fight back. This must have been one out of the many scenarios of bullying he must have faced. Even if he appears strong enough to swallow every form of physical abuse. Where exactly does the verbal abuse go then? How does he cope listening to people body-shaming him every day of his life?

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