"Yeah, it was, but still. I don't want to eat it if I can have something else."

"It still takes hours before we get there", Freed chuckled. "And if we get hungry, you don't have other choice but to eat what we have."

"Damn", Laxus muttered.

"Oh! I know, I know!" Bickslow beamed suddenly excited. "I got an idea! An awesome idea!"

"Of course you did", Freed sighed rubbing his face.

"You guys are gonna love this! Just give me a little bit time, I'll meet you guys there at that spot where that big rock is", the seith mage said, pointing down few hundred feet and then he disappeared in the forest with his Tiki dolls. The three of them just shrugged and started their journey at the meeting place.

They waited for around half an hour. They were starting to get cold after just sitting around so long, but finally Bickslow appeared and he was dragging something along with a rope.

"What is that?" Laxus frowned looking at what seemed like somekind of a tree trunk that Bickslow had modified rounder from it's ends. Or half of it.

"That, baby, is our ride to that town", Bicks grinned.

"You can't be serious?" Freed sighed.

"You wanna walk instead?"

"That's insane", Laxus said looking at the 'sled'. "But it might actually work", he said and had to smirk as this actually was kinda thrilling.

"Laxus, not you too", Freed whined.

"I don't see why it wouldn't work", Laxus reasoned and Bicks laughed. "It goes down, it goes faster than we walk so why not?"

"Why not? What if there is a rock or a tree in our way?"

"So let's just not hit it", Laxus shrugged and Freed groaned.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but it might actually be kinda fun", Ever giggled. "When we were younger we went out sledding from time to time in Magnolia, remember?"

"Right? It's going to be awesome", Bicks grinned. "Babies can steer it if we tie them at the corners so we can avoid all the obstacles."

"I still don't think this is a good idea", Freed huffed.

"Trust me, baby. I won't let it hit anything. At least not too badly."

They tied the Tiki dolls down so they could take care of turning the 'sled' when needed, but still free themselves if necessary. Then they set the trunk on snow, head towards the town and took their places. Bickslow first as he commanded 'babies' which turn to take, Evergreen after him and then Freed and Laxus at the rear.

"I'm still sceptic if this can really work", Freed said worried.

"Don't worry, if we crash I'll catch you", Laxus smirked. "Let's enjoy the ride."

"Let's go then", Bickslow grinned. "Everybody ready?" he asked but didn't actually even wait for the answers, as the tree trunk already started sliding down.

It wasn't that bad at first but then suddenly the ground got more steep and their speed accelerated immediately. Freed grabbed tight grasp of the sides of their 'sled' and he had no idea was he terrified or excited. This certainly had it's own thrill!

"To the left! To the left!" Bickslow commanded and they did their best to help 'babies' to turn the tree trunk by leaning on the other side.

"Oh my god!" Ever gasped but also laughed, when they just barely missed a big tree and kept sliding down the hill.

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