"You've changed everything, Y/N." She walks towards you and you look down.

"I didn't mean to. I didn't know this would happen." She sighs and looks down at your hand.

"You deserve him." She gives you a little smile and you look up.

"Thanks." You smile. "How am I supposed to fix this?" You ask her, she places a hand on your shoulder.

"You can't," she frowns and you swallow the lump in your throat, "you're just going to have to do what we did."

"But how? You had the whole planet with you? Nobody here knows how to fight an Ugrarathian." Your tone begins to deepen into anger.

"Y/N. Don't let what happened in the past take over you!" You're slightly taken aback.

"I told you I came to peace with what happened!" You hiss at her through gritted teeth.

"I can still feel the hurt inside of you." Her voice was calm and you tightened your jaw. "Teach them." She lifts your left hand up midway and looks at the book. "You can defeat them." Her E/C eyes stared into yours and you nodded.

"Alright." You mumble, pushing past her you close your eyes and teleport to the boardroom. You promised yourself you would never think of it again, but she was right, as much as you told yourself you didn't care anymore there was still that small part of you that ached every time you thought of it.

"Y/N, why'd you tell me to come back?" Tony asks as you walk through the doors.

"Because." You throw the book onto the table and open it. "Them." You point at a sketch of warriors.

"Who are they?" Steve asks and you look up at him.

"They're Ugrarathians." You can hear Thor hum and you look at him.

"Yes, they do look familiar." He folds his arms in thought.

"Didn't we battle them one time, brother?" Loki looks at Thor and his eyes search the roof before nodding.

"Yes, we lost many men in that battle." He sighs and you look back down to the book.

"Ugrarath was a planet that my people were mutuals with, a lot of my friends were from there." You clear your throat and push the thought away that threatened to stain your eyes with tears.

"You keep on saying 'were'. What happened?" Bruce speaks up, you gulp and keep your eyes down at the book.

"Personal issues... they began threatening us." You change the subject. "They had powers similar to us but there's were more based around fire." You flip through another page to find a drawing of what their pods were like. "Just like me, they also had emergency pods for whenever something happened... the metal, they had always engraved it with words in their language." You look up to see everyone with their arms crossed as they thought. "When I was going out with Wanda and Nat their pods were falling from the sky, but I went to check what it was because I had no idea what it was at first. When I felt the lines engraved in the metal I knew who it was an that's why I didn't want you out there by yourself." You look at Tony and he nods.

"I saw the damage but I couldn't see anyone, it looked like the pod had come apart." You shake your head.

"I don't know, you wouldn't get that much metal from just one pod." You shrug your shoulders.

"Do you mind me asking what the personal issues were?" Thor asks and you look at him.

"Uh." You thought over and over again whether you should say or not, it was partly your fault you became enemies. "I-I can't say it... I'm sorry." Your chest hurts and your throat tightens as your eyes become glossy. You cough and look away.

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