She studied my skin before looking up into my eyes. Her eyes were misty as she pulled my sleeved back down. "Yes, they looked like that. He also had some scars that look like mine. I just, I'm not sure how to even handle a situation like this. Should I? If he's hurting himself I don't want anything to happen. I know he's a new student but I love my students."

        "I understand. I think all of us are so affected by people in those situations because a lot of us have been in those situations. I have scars from being addicted to heroine, you have scars from cutting and Cam still has some scars from when Reno was a dick to him. It's easy to get caught up because we've been through literal hell."

        She slowly nodded with a frown. "Amen to that."

        "But if it is something more serious, you'll want to catch it now. I'm actually scheduled to talk at the high school next week."

        "You are?"

        I nodded while picking my bag back up. "I'll try to work my magic on everyone."

        She smiled before saying, "You truly are a magical person."

        Swishing my long hair off my shoulder I struck a pose while saying, "I try."

        We laughed while linking arms and walking out of the building together. After saying our goodbyes I traveled home, smiling when I saw Aaron and Andy's car in the driveway. Parking my piece of shit, I walked inside to hear talking coming from the kitchen. Poking my head into the room, I saw two almost identical faces turn towards me.

        "Hi love," Aaron said as he started to walk towards me. His long arms instantly wrapped around me as I snuggled into his chest.

        "Hey Perry," Andy's voice said behind Aaron's body.

        Not moving from my position, I held my hand out to give a small wave. "You okay?" Aaron's soothing voice asked as his hands ran up and down my back.

        That was something I absolutely loved about him. We were so deeply connected that it was pretty easy to pick up on each others moods. He could easily see right through my fake smile. He could also tell if I was being too sassy, since I used to hide my feelings with my sass. I guess I still do, but not from him.

        Shrugging, I looked up into his eyes while saying, "Just a long day. I feel emotionally drained."

        He looked concerned as he gently kissed my forehead. "Do you want me to run a bath for you?"

        "I don't want to be alone."

        He kissed my lips while rubbing his thumbs along my cheeks. "You're never alone, okay?"

        I nodded while feeling my eyes get misty for some stupid reason. As I pulled back, I wiped them before turning to face Andy. He wasn't paying attention, luckily. He was looking at something on his phone before I lightly punched him in the arm.

        "Hey," I said while looking down with a shock. "Wait, you actually use Tinder?"

        Andy sighed before turning his phone off and chucking it onto the island. "Yeah."

        "What about Autumn? You know, the girl you just brought over here not that long ago?"

        He sighed while running his hand through his blonde hair as Aaron wrapped his arms around me from behind. "Guess she wasn't my type."

        "Well what is your type? Its hard to tell from the types of girls you usually bring around."

        "I guess I don't have a type. But lately the best I've been getting is a one night stand. And I'm so over that," he looked truly pained as he stared down at his hands. "I know I've always been a fuck boy, but I thought that would change when I got older. I mean I have to watch my brother have the best relationship ever. And I... I'm just jealous of you guys. I mean why is it so hard to find a nice girl?" Andy sadly laughed while he said, "I'd like to be married before I'm forty but at this rate I really don't think I'm meant to be happy."

Troubled Soul (manxman) *Completed*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora