Smiles and Forgiveness

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Chapter 30

Grace's (Rosé's mom) POV

Tuesday - August 14, 2018

I approached my husband who was standing outside Jungkook's hospital room, "Have you spoken to him about everything yet?"

"No, Rosé won't leave his side." I looked through the window and was able to see through the blinds Rosé laying down next to Jungkook and the both of them laughing about something. The things that stood out were the smiles on their faces. Despite everything that has happened, they both remained smiling because they were together. I turned back to my husband and found him frowning ahead in the same direction I had just averted my attention from.

"What's wrong?" I asked even though I already had an idea of what was bothering him.

"This is exactly why I didn't want her near him. I didn't want her getting hurt and-"

"And what? She's hurt because she cares. She's hurt because she loves him. Why can't you just be happy for her?"

"Because he's a ticking time bomb. There was only a matter of time before he exploded and look at where we are now. He hurt her."

"Not intentionally. You know what he's been through considering you so kindly brought it up when arguing with him. You know life hasn't been easy on him and you still expect him to be perfect. You want him to be perfect because he's with Rosé but guess what, he's not. No one is. She has made it clear that he is more than enough for her, that he makes her happy. You should start accepting that because if you haven't noticed, he isn't going anywhere."

"I know that. I don't want him to."

"Wait, what?" That was the last thing I expected him to say.

"I know he makes her happy and I want her to be happy," He sighed before continuing, "I just don't want her to get hurt again."

"I understand Jisung, I don't want her to get hurt either, but she's human. She's going to get hurt and you can't always prevent it. I know that's hard to accept but you have to. And Jungkook is also human. He is going to make mistakes that yes, may hurt Rosé but she's strong. Just like her father. She's strong enough to handle it and if it becomes too much, we'll be there for her. It's not like we can't help her or make her feel better once she's grown-up and married. We'll always be there for her. And you and Jungkook have a lot more in common than you realize."

"What do you mean?"

"For one thing, you're both extremely stubborn. But I was talking about how you both would do anything to protect her, you both are always going to want what is best for her and you will both always be there for her. You know why? Because you both love her."

He slowly started to smile at my words, "I hate it when you're right."

I laughed a little. "Then you must hate me all the time," I gloated.

He chuckled before putting his hand on my shoulder and pulling me into a hug.

A/N: I thought that this was important to add even though it's short because Jisung has now accepted Jungkook...finally!! 😂Hope you guys enjoyed!

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