Malls and Robes

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Chapter 21

Rosé's POV

Friday - April 6, 2018

I pulled my car into the parking lot of the mall and was lucky enough to get a close spot. Jungkook took his hand away from my thigh as I parked and started to get out. I opened the back door to let Roman and Talia out. Nari wanted Talia to get out of the house since she's always home, Roman's phone screen broke and since Jungkook and I planned on coming here, they tagged along. Jungkook intertwined our hands as Roman and Talia walked ahead. They've met each other before so it's not like they are awkward with each other. By the looks of it, Roman said something funny because Talia started laughing. That was when something popped into my head.

"Jungkook, imagine if Roman and Talia started dating when they got older," I joked.

"Talia isn't allowed to date till she's like thirty."

I laughed, "We both know that's not true."

"You think I'm joking?" He then let go of my hand and walked ahead, eventually stepping between Roman and Talia and starting up a conversation. I rolled my eyes and smiled before catching up to them.

I grabbed the back of Jungkook's jacket collar and pulled him back, "Leave them alone. They're not bothering us, so we aren't going to bother them."

He sighed while holding my hand again, "Fine, but I wasn't kidding about Talia not dating till she's thirty."

"Stop being overdramatic. I of all people know how protective you are, but she is a person too. When she gets to be my age, she can make her own decisions."

"She still has five years, calm down."

I laughed again and rested my head on the side of his arm, "I love you."

In response, he rested his head against mine, "I love you too."

Just then, Talia came running back toward us. "Can we go in there?" Talia pointed toward the store with a big pink sign above it that read Justice.

"Sure, let's go." I began walking forward but I was stopped short when Jungkook's grip on my hand restrained me.

"How about you two go in there and I go to the Apple Store with Roman because I am not going in there."

I let go of his hand, "Don't lose my brother."

He started walking off with Roman, "Don't lose my sister."

I turned back toward the store and saw that Talia had already run in. I've had my experiences in this store, so I had a feeling about where she was going. When I went to the area specifically for room decorations and accessories, I found her looking at one of those furry notebooks with a letter in the middle. I got one of those when I was little and it was such a waste of money.

"Talia, didn't you come here to look for something?" I asked getting her attention away from the notebooks.

"Yeah, I need bathing suits. We're starting swimming in gym."

"Alright, well go look at them then." She skipped away over to the bathing suit section and began looking through them. After a few minutes, she found a few she liked and went over to the changing rooms. I followed her and waited for her to finish outside.


I faced the closed door, "Yeah?"

"Can you tell me how this looks? I'm not sure."

"Yeah sure." I stepped back a little as the door opened and Talia came out wearing a cheetah print bikini. "Yeah, that looks fine."

"Okay, thank you." She quickly turned around and went back in about to shut the door, but I stopped her.

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