Awkward and Reoccurring Situations

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Chapter 7

Rosé's POV

Thursday - December 26, 2017

Christmas Day was yesterday, so Nari had to go back to work and she asked me to watch Talia. I, of course, said yes, one because it's kind of my job, two, I don't want to be in my house and three, I just love Talia. I watched as Talia attempted to build a snowman since it snowed two days ago. It wasn't working out too well for her. I walked down the steps of the porch and went over to help.

"You want me to help Talia?" I offered.

"No. It's okay. I want to do something else now."

"And what would that be?"

I watched as she picked up snow knowing exactly what she was going to do with it. My thought was proven true when the snow hit my stomach. I looked at Talia who had a wide grin on her face. "Okay. You're on." I picked up some snow and made a snowball before throwing it at her. In defense, she threw one back. I ran away from her as she followed with another snowball in her hand. I slowed down a little to let her throw it as she got closer. I soon felt snow hit my back. I made another snowball and threw it at her, but she moved out of the way. She laughed at my failure. I then heard an engine slowly getting closer to us. We both watched as Jungkook parked his motorcycle in the driveway. I bent down next to Talia and whispered, "Throw a snowball at your brother." She laughed again and nodded. This should be interesting. He started walking inside not paying any attention to us, so Talia took the opportunity to throw the snow at his back. This made him stop and turn around.

"Really?" He didn't sound mad, he said it in more of a joking way. He then made a snowball himself and threw it at me. I looked at him surprised.

"I didn't throw it. That was Talia," I defended.

"I know." He smirked before throwing more snow at me. I ran the other way with both Talia and Jungkook coming after me. But once Talia got close enough to Jungkook, she pushed him and he fell in the snow. He fixed his beanie before looking at Talia. He then threw snow at her. She laughed and threw it back at him. He stood up and scoped Talia off the ground before dropping her down on the hill of snow Talia had formed earlier. She continued to laugh. "Alright, now Talia, watch this." Jungkook picked more snow up, and I mean a lot of snow, before throwing it all at me. I would've been annoyed, but I heard Talia erupt with laughter, so despite having snow running down my jacket since so much had been thrown, I laughed with her.

"That was funny Kookie." Talia got down from the hill and ran the opposite way toward her unfinished snowman. She changes her mind so easily. Jungkook made the mistake of watching her run off because I took the chance to push him like Talia did before except this time he went face forward. He pushed himself off the ground and brushed off the little bit of snow on his signature leather jacket before looking at me.

"That was funny Kookie," I teased using Talia's words from before.

"Only Talia can call me that."

"I think I should run."

"Probably." The second the word left his mouth I took off away from him. I was fast, but clearly not fast enough because I was now face first in the snow. I rolled over onto my back and saw Jungkook standing over me smirking.

"Call me that again, I dare you," He taunted.

I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Don't tempt me." We started walking toward Talia, but Jungkook was walking backward because he wanted to make sure I didn't push him again. I probably would've done it again, but I really don't need any more snow down my clothes. Though God is never in my favor. I tripped over a frozen block of snow and waited to make contact with freezing cold snow, but I never did. Jungkook was walking right in front of me, I don't know why I didn't expect to land on top of him. I used my arms to push myself up so I was hovering over him. I briefly looked into his eyes before panicking.

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