Sana locked the car as Seo Woo stepped out of his car and walked towards us. He hugged Sana. When he looked at me, I gave him a small wave. He smiled at me and waved back. He was looking handsome, wearing black ripped jeans, a red flannel shirt, and black ray bans.

"Let's go. Shall we?" Sana said, glancing at both of us.

"Ladies first." Seo Woo bent forward in courtesy.

Sana let out a chuckle and we both entered the restaurant, Seo Woo following us closely. After sitting on the window side of the restaurant, we ordered our food.

"So Sana, what are you up to these days?" Seo Woo asked her.

I looked up from my phone.

"Studies and sulking. University is killing us. Isn't it, Eun Hee?" She said, looking at me.

"Uh, yes," I answered.

Seo Woo looked at me.

"Are you both in same university?"

"Yes." We both answered simultaneously.

And then looked at each other and laughed.

"That was creepy," Seo Woo said.

Sana opened her mouth to reply but the food arrived and she stopped talking. Instead of pancakes, we agreed on ordering pasta and I was really happy that we did, because the pasta looked so delicious and my mouth watered at its smell.

I ate in silence, although Sana and Seo Woo made small talk here and there. I could see Sana had a crush on him. She just had that weird smile on her face whenever she had a crush on someone. I knew her that well. And right now she showed all the signs and symptoms of developing a crush.

"You look good, Sana. Not like the same chubby girl you were back in the days," Seo Woo said, taking a sip of his drink.

"What's wrong with chubby?" Sana asked, feigning offence.

Seo Woo chuckled. "Never said that something's wrong with being chubby. Just saying that you've changed a lot."

We had finished eating and now were sipping on wine.

Sana's eyes lit up. "You think so?"

"Yeah." He nodded.

A blush coated Sana's cheeks. I gave her an amused look, raising my eyebrows.

"What?" She mouthed.

I shook my head, although there was a smile on my face.

In the end, Seo Woo paid the bill, despite the fact that Sana and I insisted on sharing the bill. He dismissed us saying it was his treat.

As we were leaving the restaurant, I collided with someone and fell on my butt.


My butt and my palms were hurting due to the hard ground.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

I looked up to say something when my breath got caught in my lungs. The one I collided with was Jimin. Oh God. Before I could say something, our kiss flashed through my mind and I felt heat rise to my cheeks.

"Eun Hee? Are you okay?" He said, extending his hand towards me.

I looked at his hand and then at his face. Taking his hand, I stood up from the ground.

"Yes, I'm fine," I said, trying so hard to avoid his eyes.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'mㅡ" I started.

"Eun Hee! Oh my God. Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" Sana cut me off, hurrying towards me.

"Yes yes. I'm fine." I chuckled, shaking my head. The girl was always worried about me.

I guess she didn't notice Jimin yet because the next thing she said was embarrassing.

"Hey, you asshole. Can't you see where you're going?" She looked up.

Jimin's eyes widened. He looked shocked at her language.

"Pa-Park Jimin? Oh my God. I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was you," Sana stammered.

It was funny to look at her stuttering. It was so different to her calm and controlled self. Right now, she was looking like a fish, opening and closing her mouth.

I held in a chuckle.

"It's okay. It was my fault anyways," he gazed at me, "I deserve this."

"No, you don't. I was just mad," Sana said, her cheeks tinted pink.

"Rightly so," he said.

I realised my hand was still in his hand. It fit perfectly, I noticed. And then, questioned why I was even thinking about his hand fitting in mine in first place. His hand was warm against my hold hand, but I immediately pulled back, putting some distance between us. A blush threatened to appear on my face.

I'm always flustered in his presence. Ugh.

He raised his eyebrow, a knowing smirk on his face, like he knew how his touch affected me.

"Park Jimin?" Seo said, walking towards us.

Jimin turned around.

"Seo Woo? I didn't know you were here."

"Oh yes. I just came back last week," Seo Woo responded.

Hmm. They know each other?

"How's your father now?" Jimin asked him.

It seemed like they both forgot our existence.

"He's good and healthy now."

"Wait. You guys know each other?" Sana asked exactly what I was thinking.

Both of them turned towards us and nodded.

"Yes. Our fathers are business partners," Seo Woo said.

"You guys know each other?" Now it was Jimin's turn to ask us the same question.

He was glancing between me and Seo Woo.

"Yes. Sana and I are childhood best friend," Seo Woo said, putting his arm around Sana's shoulders.

Her eyes widened. This girl. She should be careful with her facial expressions. Her face said it all as it turned scarlet.

I smiled at her reaction.

"And how do you know Eun Hee?" Jimin asked, his piercing gaze on me.

"We just met last week. She's an interesting girl," Seo Woo said, looking at me.

My eyes widened at what Seo Woo said.

All their attention was making me feel nervous and uncomfortable. I fidgeted with my hands. I looked at Park Jimin to see his reaction. He was glaring at me, his a clenched muscle in his jaw. His hands were formed into fists. It seemed like he was...jealous?

Why was he glaring at me? I couldn't really understand him. He was an enigma. He was happy one moment and angry the next. The change in his moods almost gave me a whiplash.

"I gotta go." With that, Jimin entered the restaurant.

He didn't wait for our response. I was so confused.

What's going on in his mind?

● ● ●

NOTE: I hope you liked the updated. Do comment your thoughts.
Love, Rose.

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