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As Jungkook goes to throw me again two boys burst from Jimin's room, looking ridiculous.

He and Jhope are clad in pj's with pillow shields and they charge towards Jungkook as he tosses me again. A bright light fills the room as i scream again, only to land in the arms of someone besides Jungkook.

"Oh my you really are very light Lia." I laugh and Jhope starts running around the couches with me in his arms, my head knocking his shoulder lightly as  i laugh.

Jimin pretends to fight off my attacker, and then Jhope smirks at me mischievously. "

Let's go get some payback." I nod and laugh as we run towards a frightened Kookie.

"Better watch it Kookie!" Jungkook turns to run but Jhope throws me onto the couch with Namjoon and thrusts his palm towards Jungkook, blinding him with light as he dramatically falls to the floor holding his eyes. Jimin does the same and Jhope bursts into laughter realizing he blinded his fellow knight.

"Jhope! that was the good guy!" He shakes his head laughing anyways and i roll my eyes over to Namjoon, glad he's smiling again.

I lean on his shoulder and he lays his head on mine softly, letting out a resigned sigh.

"You okay?" He shakes his head softly and i place my hand over his.

"I'm sorry i can't do more than this, they're scared of me but i can't make them stop no matter how hard i've tried." He shakes his head again as the boys stumble into a dog pile, with Tae on the top.

His face turns towards me and he lets out a cute rectangular giggle, my heart seizes and i force myself to breathe. God lia stop being such a princess!!!

I smile and shake my head to bring myself back to reality, and he turns back to the others.

"I know you can't do anything Lia, you're walking a fine line right now and we all worry." I laugh softly at the boys, Jimin looks at me and smiles and i notice Tae staring again.

"Why does he stare so much? sometimes it's not even just staring he literally burns holes in the back of my head while i help Jin in the kitchen sometimes." I sigh in exasperation and swallow hard as his eyes meet mine, and Namjoon ruffles my hair weakly.

"he teases you a lot right? It's because he likes you." I sigh, Jin said the same thing to me yesterday and right after Tae cracked a joke about me being a vampire. Later that night he even made a sarcastic remark about how poor Jin has to deal with me all day.

I wanted to punch him in his face, but then he gave me this smile and my heart skipped a beat, as it seems to do more and more these days. What am i going to do with these boys?

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