"You should talk to her" Steve offers, Bucky raises an eyebrow at him. "She thinks you're feeling left out and she feels bad"

"I was trying to give you space....and then it was....difficult to watch, but I'll do better" he assures his friend. "I can do better"

"Well she's going to spend the afternoon with you" Steve pats Bucky's shoulder. "And then we're doing movie night, the three of us" Bucky nods.


Bucky is the one to join Roswell for lunch rather then Steve, just to give Bucky more time with her. She smiles as he walks into her office with a take out bag from the cafe in town. She stands and moves to the couch with him.

"Steve made sure I got everything right" Bucky tells her as they sit together. She smiles. "He also told me you felt bad" she looks away. "Don't" he offers softly lifting her chin. "We're all still friends, and I know you're together now so I have to share you both" he shrugs. "And some times you're not going to want me third wheeling it" she takes his hand and smiles, he smiles back at her. "So...Steve says I have you all afternoon...what do you want to do?" he asks.

"I was thinking, seen as it's movie night tonight, that we go into the city and get everything we need to build.......a fort" he looks to her weirdly. "Trust me, you'll love it" she kisses his cheek and leans back to dig into her lunch.


Okay, Bucky is impressed when they finish the fort, blankets, ropes, pillows, cushions, fairy lights, their living room has been completely transformed. It's magical. She's even found a projector to hook up to her laptop, which will shine on the sheet she hung down the wall. She jumps onto Bucky's back wrapping her arms and legs around him. His hands find her thighs to keep her steady and in place.

"What do you think?" she asks breathing against his ear, he clenches his jaw to stop him shuddering.

"It's....great" he answers softly. "You were right.....I love it" she chuckles and kisses his cheek.

"I love it when people tell me I'm right" she teases and then jumps down just as Steve opens the apartment door. He raises an eyebrow and looks to the two people responsible for the sight before him, Bucky shrugs a little and smiles as Roswell bounces on the spot. "What do you think?" she asks him.

"You built a fort?" he asks them.

"It was her idea" Bucky is quick to accuse, Roswell shoots him a look.

"It's for movies" Roswell offers turning back to Steve. "I thought it would be more comfortable....special" she looks down. "It's okay if you don't like it. I can take it down" Steve moves to her and lifts her chin softly, he smiles at her.

"It's perfect" he whispers, she smiles at him. "You're perfect" he kisses her softly and looks to Bucky who looks away worrying his jaw.


Roswell is fast asleep, head in Steve's lap by the end of the third film, Steve's fingers brushing through her hair, her legs across Bucky's lap. It's as close as he is going get to being intimate with her. He watches as she breath softly, face relaxed and calm. He smiles.

"Hey, Steve" Bucky whispers leaning closer to his friend so as not to wake Roswell. "Can we keep it?" he asks, Steve raises an eyebrow. "The fort" Steve chuckles lightly.

"It's not practical" Steve argues.

"Well then....do you think if I asked, Roswell would make one in my room?" Steve looks to Bucky who shrugs a little.

"I'm sure she would" Steve answers and pats his shoulder.

"Thanks" Bucky whispers. "For today" Steve nods.

"You're welcome.....but it was her idea" Bucky looks to Roswell who shifts, stretching slightly in their laps. He smiles and nods.


Bucky sleeps curled up next to Roswell who is sleeping snuggled into a sleeping Steve. The three of them crashed out on the living room floor in her fort, which turns out is incredibly comfortable. But it might have more to do with the girl then the space.


Steve wakes with his nose pressed to Roswell's neck, his arms tight around her, his fingers pressed into her skin under her shirt. She shifts against him, groaning slightly in her sleep, her thigh wrapped around his waist. He pulls a hand from under her shirt and moves it to her thigh and up under her shorts.

"Steve" she moans slightly in her sleep, he smirks and kisses her neck softly. He draws his fingers back down, ghosting softly over her flesh. She shifts again waking.

"Morning, Honey" he teases slightly pulling her flush against him, she smirks and lifts her head slightly, he kisses her stroking his fingers over her leg.

"Morning" she greets back warmly. "Did we make it to bed?" she asks. Steve chuckles and shakes his head.

"Nope" he answers. "We slept in the fort" she smirks and nuzzles into his chest. She pulls back a little and grumbles. Steve watches as Roswell pulls his pillow to her chest. "What are you doing?" he asks.

"Going back to sleep" she mumbles hugging his pillow closer. He smiles softly and kisses her head before standing and heading off for a shower.


Steve watches Bucky and Roswell sleeping, Bucky must have shifted since Steve got up and now lays against Roswell's back, his human arm around her waist. Steve doesn't hate it. He feels he should, he knows Bucky fancies his girlfriend, he should be angry, instead he feels warm, tingly, happy. Like this is exactly where everyone is supposed to be. Him. Bucky. And Roswell. Together. He shakes his head and moves to the kitchen to make coffee for them all. And breakfast probably. Steve loves cooking breakfast.


Bucky wakes nuzzling into something warm and soft. And he instinctively shifts closer to it. It moves and he pauses a little. Steve's laugh draws his attention and Bucky moves to look up at him, Steve is holding two coffees in hand and smiling.

"What's so funny?" Bucky grumbles. Steve raises an eyebrow and nods to Bucky's 'pillow'. Bucky looks down and finds Roswell curled up in his side. "Sorry" Bucky grumbles pulling away from Roswell.

"Stay" Steve offers. "You'll wake her if you move and it's still early, let her sleep" Steve moves and sets the two coffees on the coffee table. Bucky looks to Roswell who clutches to his metal arm, his features soften a little and he shifts back to where he was. Steve watches them a moment as Bucky wraps his human arm around Rowell. "Buck" Steve starts slightly. "If you'd have told me you liked her before I...."

"I know" Bucky assures him. "I know you would have....but urm...best man won, right?" Bucky asks self-deprecating. "I'm not...that guy any more. I'm not...boyfriend material. I'm the brainwashed, screwed up one armed ex-assassin...."

"Bucky" Steve scolds. "You know that's not true. There is more to you then everything Hydra did, you really think she would feel safe and comfortable sleeping next to you like that" Steve motions to Roswell. "If she thought you were just some brainwashed assassin?" Steve asks his friend who looks down. "I know they screwed you up" Steve assures him. "But I also know you, the old you, the real you, is in there some where" Bucky smiles a little and nods. 

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