"Are you ready to go?" he asks her, she nods a little. He pulls all the way back and closes the cooler bag.


The Conservatory Garden is actually more beautiful then Steve had anticipated with the summer sun and the colourful flowers and Rowell's company, her bright smile and her hair. It's just something almost magical. His hand held in hers as she bounces around telling him about the plants she knows and reading about the ones she doesn't. She's so fresh. She wants to learn and she wants to talk about what she loves and to be honest he could listen to her talk about whatever she wants for as long as she wants just so he can bask in that accent. Seemingly stronger when she gets excited. Roswell glances to Steve.

"What?" she asks noting Steve watching her, he tugs her closer and smiles.

"Just how excited you get" he admits and kisses her cheek softly.

"Well..for my brothers and my father this isn't their cup of tea" she admits. "I used to go myself" she whispers slightly. "When I was left alone in a motel room, I'd steal just enough money from my Dad or Dean and I'd get on a bus and go to the nearest place, museum or gardens or art instillation"

"Your childhood sounds lonely" he brushes her hair back and he ghost his thumb over her cheek.

"Not really" she whispers. "I had my books, my languages, my powers" she holds out her hand as the green field wraps around her fingers. "And my brothers...."

"But you make it sound like they were never there" he points out.

"Sammy went off to Stanford in 2003, pre-law, then Dad and Dean delved into the family business more.....and yeah, I got left in motel's a lot but..." she looks away and towards a purple flower thinking. "I just...I never felt lonely, not till after my dad died" she looks to Steve. "Things changed between me and my brothers, we kind of grew apart, emotionally, they both threw themselves into work and I...threw myself deeper into my books"

"When did your dad die?" he asks.

"2006" she answers. "So...a while now"

"5 years....you were only 16? That's....you were still a child, your brothers should have been there to support you, to guide you through it" she shakes her head.

"It's okay, Steve.." she touches his arm. "I dealt with his death and I moved on" he looks to her softly. "Thank you though, for thinking of me"


Roswell grabs a strawberry and smiles as Steve talks, he's telling her about a trip to Coney Island that had Bucky throwing up, he seems so proud, given that he was the smaller of the two at the time, the one in the background. He even looks carefree talking about it, cute. It's very cute on him. Nostalgic. She bites into the strawberry as he moves on to his art. She had no idea he could draw. They're both sat on a picnic blanket facing the fountain, the sun beaming down on them. He seems younger and normal in the sun, like he isn't Captain America, that he is just Steve. He snorts as he laughs at himself. She laughs with him. Steve's cell phone rings and he sighs glancing to it, the others knows he's out with Roswell, they wouldn't call unless they had to, unless it was important, he turns back to her to ignore it, she shoots him a look.

"Take it" Roswell tells him.

"But..." he starts.

"Steve, it could be important" she pushes slightly, she knows this, she knows who he is. Steve stands and moves away to answer the phone. Roswell helps herself to more strawberries as Steve talks on the phone, even from where she sits she can see he's in Captain America mode, all stern and upright, his jaw ticking in slightly annoyance of being interrupted. It's kinda hot on him. All that's missing is the suit and she's seen Steve in that suit, it's hot, but seeing Captain America in that suit, she's not sure she'd manage to keep control of herself. Steve hangs up and walks back towards Roswell as she reaches for her 6th strawberry.

Roswell (S. Rogers & B. Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now