Roswell looks up from her drawing desk as the twins enter her office. Wanda waves a little.

"Hey, what are you two doing here?" Roswell asks glancing back to her work.

"Just....visiting" Pietro answers. "What are you working on?"

"Translating the runes from Mjolnir" Roswell answers turning to the twins. "I needed a palette cleanser, I'm going crossed looking at all the Chinese stuff, it's all swirling" she motions to her head. "What are you two up too?" She asks them now suspicious, Wanda shrugs and sits on Roswell's small couch.

"We're bored" Pietro answers cocking his head at the Celtic print. "What is this?"

"Boudica" Roswell answers. "She was a queen of the British Celtic Iceni tribe who led an uprising against the occupying forces of the Roman Empire in AD 60 or 61" she informs them. "She died shortly after its failure, having supposedly poisoned herself. She is considered a British hero"

"For killing herself?" Pietro asks, Roswell snorts.

"She killed herself rather then be taken prisoner...." Roswell counters. "Rather then be...tortured, raped, abused....I think she made the right choice, the Romans were...brutal" Pietro and Wanda share a look. "Out with it" Roswell teases. "I don't have all day, I'm working" Roswell points out turning back to her drawing board desk.

"You get to have lunch, right?" Wanda asks. Roswell sighs a little and nods turning back to them again.

"Yeah. An hour" Roswell sets her work into a file marked Mjolnir and then stands. "What did you have in mind?"

"Going into town. They have this great little cafe...." Wanda answers. "It's better then the canteen food here"

"You guys have a billionaire and you still have crappy canteen food?" Roswell asks amused, Pietro snorts.

"Stark'll only put out for the Avengers, and only for dinner, at weekends....if he feels like it" He answers. "And we don't really get paid to be Avengers"

"Alright then" Roswell sets the file onto her bookshelf with all the others and then grabs her scarf from the back of her chair. "You guys can drive, right?" She asks, Pietro and Wanda share a look, no. "Then we need to find a car, cause I don't really have one" she offers them a shrug. The twins chuckle a little.


Clint pauses passing the living room and then smiles shaking his head at the scene within. Natasha and Tony walk into the small hallway, Clint motions to them and presses a finger to his lip before pointing into the living room, Natasha and Tony join him.

"Look at the twins" Clint points out, Wanda and Pietro are laughing like they've never seen before. And between the twins is Roswell, the three of them dancing like no one is watching but none of them can help laughing as they do. Music blares some cheesy pop song from the 90's. Clint looks to Tony and Natasha with a smile as Bucky and Steve appear behind them.

"What's going on?" Steve asks, Natasha nods into the room.

"Roswell" Clint states. "She's this beacon, you can't help but smile around her, you can't help happy, it's crazy just can't help's who she is" Clint comments and then looks to the others. "That. That is what made her worthy" Tony nods a little in agreement, Steve and Bucky share a look.


Roswell wakes sticking to her sheets, and it is not a good feeling. She whines a little and sits up, practically stuck to her bedding. She frowns a little. Why is it so hot? She climbs out of bed and moves to the temperature control on the wall.

Roswell (S. Rogers & B. Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now