"I'm sorry" she offers, Pietro frowns as Roswell look to them.

"'S okay" Roswell offers. "Beer?" she asks.

"We're not old enough" Wanda answers.

"Neither am I" Roswell admits pulling three beers from her fridge. "Not yet anyway....Next month" she shrugs and holds out two beers. "Come on, I'm not going to tattle on you, and it's just one....I was 14 when my brother gave me my first" Wanda and Pietro share a look. "Go on, you're badass Avengers now.....you can have one beer" Pietro appears at Roswell's side, she doesn't even flinch, everyone flinches when he suddenly appears, Pietro takes the beer.

"One" he tells her. "And no one tells Daddy" he teases, Roswell and Wanda laugh.

"Okay, I have to ask" Roswell starts.

"Clint" Pietro and Wanda answers. Roswell pulls a face and nods.

"You guys really are one big family" Roswell offers with a smile. "It's good....it means you're willing to go to any length to protect one another...."

"You're part of this family now" Wanda assures Rowell. "You may not be an Avenger but you live with us...." Roswell smiles around her beer.


Roswell's first day. She's nervous, which is ridiculous, cause she knows she can do this, this is what she is good at, brilliant at. But this is her first real job. She's 20, never finished high school, never went to college, never had a real job, and she is nervous. Phil had stopped by the night before just after the twins left to talk to her, assured her that it's a casual post and she doesn't need to be all fancy and agent like. That she can, if she wanted to, go into work in her pjs and it wouldn't matter. If she's comfortable those she works with will be comfortable. After that they'd had a beer and he talked her through what was expected of her, pretty much just her using her brain to be brilliant. She stands in front of the mirror and takes a breath looking over herself. She's chosen something a little more feminine then she'd usually go for but still. A black dress with a green floral print, set off with a black thin leather belt, black tights and her black leather jacket and dark grey shoes. But something is still missing.

"You ready?" Phil asks knocking on her bedroom door, Roswell turns to him and motions to herself.

"Something is missing" she admits. He looks around the room and smirks before moving to her wardrobe, he grabs the green summer scarf from the hooks and moves to her, she smiles and nods. "A scarf..."

"Roswell is not complete without a scarf" he teases wrapping it around her neck. "I don't think I've ever seen you without one" he admits, she pulls the scarf through her fingers and smiles.

"My uncle John bought me my first one when I was 5" she informs him. "I didn't take it off for 3 months" Phil smiles. "It took him buying me a different one to get the other one off.....I think that's when I became hooked, it's like a disease really" he adjusts the scarf and pulls her necklace out from underneath it.

"There you go" he whispers softly. "You nervous?" she nods a little. "You'll be fine" he assures her touching her arms. "We both know you live for this stuff.....plus I figured we could set up a hunter phone" he tells her.

"A hunter phone?" she asks, he nods.

"Yeah, I mean you love research so why stop, set up a line just for hunters....that way....you still feel like you're helping people"

"You know, I knew there was a reason you were my favourite uncle" she teases, he smirks. "Just don't tell Constantine....you know he gets territorial"

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