Red Sanguis Disease Part 2

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“Start by telling me why I’m here with you two?” I tucked my hands in between to stop them from shaking. I was definitely scared to be alone with him.

“Well we have to protect you, me specifically.” I nodded and tried to conceal my smile. He hasn’t done a very good job so far.

“I heard that from Alaric, so now I want to know what the hell is going on with me.” I tried to shift but flinched at the pain, at the same time Damien flinched and looked right at me. This time there was worry in his eyes, it made me relax a bit.

“Since you were a little girl you’ve never felt pain, am I right?” He looked at me and I nodded “You always have a quick healing ability. Things aren’t how you think they are everything you’ve experienced is darker than it seems. For example your mind, you killed that man who you thought was me, you also hurt Amelia bad enough to kill her.” Damien came over to me and brushed a hair out of my face.

“I’m aware of my mental condition. I want you to tell me why you tried to kill me?” I tried to hold back the tears but one escaped, he wiped it away with his thumb and then kissed my forehead. I would have found this comforting if not for the change of topic.

“I have a responsibility Kali, if someone tells me to do something, I have to do it.” He looked sad as he gazed into my eyes, I couldn’t recognise him before but I was starting to see flickers of the old Damien.

“So someone told you to kill me?” I pushed him away but while doing so I fell off the counter, hitting the floor with a thud. I tried to push myself up but I was too weak. Damien lifted me under my arms and placed me back onto the counter.

“Alaric said no killing each other.” I thought I saw Damien smile but it was more of a pained expression.

“There’s has to be more, it can’t just be I’m mentally disturbed again and someone told you to kill me?” I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him towards me, but pulled too hard as he fell onto me.

I heard the door open and shut and I could see Alaric staring, it must have looked like I was trying something with Damien since he was standing between my legs.

Damien cleared his throat but didn’t show any signs of moving.

“Did he tell you then?” Alaric placed some plastic bags on the dining table and sat down.

“Yes, but I don’t understand. Who’s ordering him around and why?” I fiddled with my fingers in my lap, careful not to touch Damien.

“They have leverage, it’s a strange leverage but it’s still stopping him from going against them.” Alaric opened up the bags to reveal noodles and all kinds of Chinese dishes.

“What’s the leverage?” Damien flinched and looked at me, a trickle of sweat on his forehead.

“Kali, you’re the leverage. Damien wasn’t trying to kill you; he just wanted to drive you away so you would be able to get away to safety. If Damien doesn’t do what he’s told they will come after you.”

I looked at Damien with my eyes wide. Does that mean he still has feelings for me?

“I’m sorry Kali; I didn’t want you to get hurt.” Damien looked down and placed his hands on either side of me.

“Who’s coming after me?” I looked at Alaric and making sure not to let him notice, I held Damien’s hand that was hidden from sight, hoping to comfort him. He looked up at me with wide eyes, I just smiled but kept my eyes on Alaric.

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