Red Sanguis disease

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The day went by fast and before I knew it I was moving about and turning in my sleep.

At around midnight Alaric came into my room and wrapped a coat around me, I still wasn’t strong enough to get changed so the hospital offered to let me keep my robe. I slung an arm around Alaric’s shoulder, expecting him to just be my support but all of a sudden I was swept into his arms. He carried me out the hospital and kept his arms wrapped tightly around me.

 Outside waiting was a big Jeep and I was placed comfortably into the passenger seat before Alaric got in and started the engine. I put my seatbelt on and Alaric pulled out of the car park. We drove in silence and I think I fell asleep for a while but I was awoken by the sound of a door slamming.

I jumped in my seat and looked around quickly; Alaric was out the car and storming towards someone standing outside a building. I couldn’t see their face properly but I could tell they were arguing with Alaric.

I got out the car and slammed the door behind me, forgetting about my injuries. I took one step and fell to the ground; I heard a bone crack and felt my wrist pop. I cried out in pain as Alaric and someone else came running over to me, Alaric tried to help me but it hurt too much.

I froze in my place as I saw Damien leaning over me, his face unreadable. I pushed on my injured wrist and moved back, shuffling towards the car. Alaric looked at me confused before looking back at Damien with an angry expression.

“Stay still or you’ll worsen it.” Alaric put a hand out to me.

“Get rid of him and then I will let you help me.” I kept my voice as steady as I could and made sure to keep my eyes on Damien. How could someone trying to protect me let Damien near me.

“Damien, leave,” Alaric looked down at his feet as he crouched down in front of me. “Before I drag you inside” His voice was stern as Damien slowly backed away and walked inside the building we had parked in front of, slamming the door behind him.

“Is he staying with us then?” I avoided eye contact as Alaric held my wrist in his hand; he assessed it and then wrapped me up in his arms, preparing to carry me inside.

“He’s my nephew; I can’t just leave him homeless.” Alaric carried me into the house, careful to not knock my swinging legs on anything.

Once we got inside the house Alaric placed me to sit on the counter in the kitchen. The kitchen was next to a set of stairs that swirled upwards to a row of rooms. It was quite a small house but big enough for three people. I looked down at my wrist, the bone bent at an angle; I had a strange feeling as I looked at it. I gripped my wrist with the other hand and pulled; I pulled but felt no pain. I heard a small pop but my whole wrist was numb and I felt nothing. Alaric walked in with a first aid kit and stared at me.

“What’s this?” Alaric pulled my wrist towards him, noticing it was fine and healed.  He called Damien down and I flinched.

“Its fine see, just a scrape.” I tried to sound calm, all my life I had never felt pain easily but this was weird.

Damien came sprinting down the stairs, wearing only track suit bottoms and no shirt. His hair was wet and his body was shiny.

“Is it finally happening?” Damien seemed urgent as he held my face in his hands; he was looking deeply into my eyes, but not in a loving way. His brows furrowed as I shuffled away from him and tears started to well up in my eyes.

“What’s going on, Alaric?” I looked over at him as Damien went to sit on a stool across from me. I hadn’t moved from the counter.

“Damien, I need to leave so explain everything too her.” Alaric put on a coat and looked at me sharply “Don’t kill each other while I’m gone please.” Alaric left us alone in silence. We spent at least five minutes just sitting in silence before I broke it.

“Aren’t you going to explain then?” I didn’t look at him as I crossed my arms over my chest.

 “Alright then where should I start?” He pulled his chair closer to me and rested his elbow on the counter next to me.

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