A long night

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I rushed into the bathroom, turned on the shower, stripped down and hurried into the shower. I was trying to not wake up a sleeping Zero. Once I was finished in the shower I made my way into my bedroom to get changed. I opened my wardrobe but panicked when I saw the black and white striped dress with black braces, my mother bought it for me last summer before my dad died but I never wore it. I pulled it out and slipped it on quickly, matched with black tights, boots and fedora hat. It was supposed to be a fancy dress party I was going to but I wasn’t much for effort anyway. I tucked my phone away and my keys before rushing out the door, outside was a black Cadillac escalade parked on my driveway. I couldn’t see inside the car but I could notice a dark figure at the wheel.

I walked up to the car as the window rolled down, revealing Damien’s unblemished face.

“I’ll explain if you get in.” Damien gestured for me to get in and so I did, my keys ready in my hand in case of self-defence.

“Now you can explain.” I didn’t look at him; I kept my eyes on the road and my hands in my lap, trying to keep them from shaking.

“So the other day one of your friends saw us together and they just happened to be who was picking you up for this party, she couldn’t make it so she got me to do it, simple as.” Damien gazed at me as he stopped the car outside Elea’s house, I hadn’t even realised we were here.

Damien opened my door and held out his hand, I only just noticed he was wearing a tight black suit with a fedora and tie; his single earring finished the whole outfit off. 

I took his hand and tried to hide my blush as warmth spread through my whole body at his touch.

“You look beautiful, Kali.” Damien kissed my cheek, I thought I would flinch at such a gesture but I was close to being frozen if not for my legs that kept moving. He felt me stiffen and squeezed my hand tighter as we knocked on the door.

“Daniel, you came!” Elea opened the door and wrapped her arms around Damien, squeezing her abnormally large breasts against his chest. I flinched at seeing her fling herself at him so carelessly.

“How nice to see you” I tried not to sound too pissed off as I tried to pry her away from Damien.

“Babe can’t believe you’re here.” Elea faked a smile and led us into her house, full of swarms of drunken teenagers. The room felt claustrophobic as we squeezed through the sweaty crowds, I never let go of Damien’s hand, the fear of leaving him alone with Elea taking over completely. Something pulled me out of my daze all of a sudden, literally.

“Don’t say a word and come with me.” Someone with a clenched jaw was holding me to them as they walked me over to what I assumed to be the dance floor, a slow song started to play at that moment. The person that held me to them, as we started to dance, had dark hair and a mask on, looking like phantom of the opera. He had an arm slid around my waist and held my other hand in his. I dug my nails into his hand and he flinched and took off his mask.

“Marshall, I knew it was you dumbass. You’re so not sneaky.” I laughed a little and rested my chin on his hard shoulder; he relaxed as we swayed to the music. Everything disappeared and I could only focus on the loud heartbeat of the man before me, but slowly enough another started to beat, loud and slow. It was Damien, and he was staring right at me from across the room.

“Mind if I steal her for a while?” Damien had walked over to us in seconds and was already grabbing my hand as Marshall reluctantly nodded before plodding off with his head down.

Damien had walked me outside the door but I stopped and shook my hand out of his grip, standing my ground.

“What was that for, I was having a good time?” I crossed my arms over my chest and almost shouted in his face, he stormed over to me, making me flinch. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, well at least I thought so.

“I wanted a turn, not my fault he’s not good at sharing.” His eyes looked pure and genuine but his body language was firm and unnerving.

“I’m not some whore you can pass around,” I walked down the path right past Damien. “I’m leaving.” I left the gate and slammed it behind me, walking down the road and heading home. 

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