Out the clear windows of the speeding car, the scenery outside unfolded before her eyes as they drove farther and farther away from home. The vast expanse of wheat stocks dancing with the wind, tall stocks of ember wood that spaced evenly next to one another, the radiant lights of the side stops and stores, even the birds perched on the wire post. Noticing small things was one of the only things that took her mind away from her current situation. To her left sat the deceiving man, a thick coat hugging his body and his eyes at focused on the road ahead. At times like these, Bonnibel wished her parents were alive. She didn't know much about her mother or father, only being with them for her first year of life and then off to her uncles after their deaths, but from what she heard they were good people. Things would've been plenty different with them. Maybe they would accept her for who she is, or maybe not, not like she would ever get to know. Instead, she resides with her pastor uncle in the small town she called home. "Im only doing this because I love you. You know that right?" With suprise, her eyes slanted at the man behind the steering wheel. To hell he did. His eyebrows lumbered down with his eyes facing the road. "I dont want you being lead down the wrong path. As of now, im just helping you achieve what's best for you." Bonnie let the words sink in but choose not respond upon the car turning into the lot of a towering building. "We're here." Was the last thing she heard from her uncle before plunging into her surrounds. A extensive quantity of grass and tree's surrounding the brown brick building, a tall metal fence tracking the perimeter of the building and outdoors. Glimmering glass windows locked behind bars from the inside, and a small plump woman approaching the car. The presence of the woman startled the girl in the seat partially until her uncle rolled down the window at the woman. Slight wrinkles forming at the corners of her mouth, thin blonde hair pulled back into a clip and pale skin, indeed this woman was no student. "Ah pastor Baldwin! Oh what a joy, its nice to see you father." The woman greeted from behind the bulky metal door. Bonnibel's stomach churned at the praise he received from the smaller woman. He didn't deserve it, not one bit. The corners of his lips pulled upwards into a smile, his gaze settling on the praising woman. "What brings you here pastor?" The man ran a hand over his thinning stuble and shuffled his shoulders. "I've brought my niece who seeks guidance towards the lord. I think this is exactly what she needs the remaning school year." The woman nodded her head quietly and folded her hands into one as if this was a normal occurrence. (Which it was.) "Nothing we can't fix pastor, we will do our best." The woman paused and struck a loose piece of hair behind her ears. "Well if you grab the luggage I'll get you settled in as of now." Her uncle nodded, twisting the keys in the key hole and pocketing them into his thick coat. And as the man exited the car and hauled the heavy suitcase from the back seat, Bonnibel took the moment to let her thoughts consume her. All things she cherished, her friends, her outside life, even that one special girl, all gone from within the building. It would be months until she ever lay eyes on them again. The tap on her window is what pulled her away from herself, her uncle glaring at her with a straight eye and gesturing her onwards. Out the car, across the parking lot, and into the building, Bonnibel hunched at the side of Baldwin near the desk, his eyes scanning over the registration approval sheet and his free hand signing away with the pen. "That outta' do it." His words departed from his mouth, the clip board finding refuge in the hands of the appealing worker. It only took a few seconds for the woman to scan over the paper, but afterwards she lead them deeper into the interior of the school. The school was very far from bad looking actually. The squeaky clean tiled floors, the dangling chandeliers, and the sturdy halls is what pulled away the attention of Bonnibel. The woman ahead weaved through the wandering students in collared shirts tucked into plaid skirts and towards a row of doors with the sign "rooms" hanging above. "78, 79, 80." The worker counted down the rooms in the strip hallway, her mouth stoping its ongoing count at number 83. Her fingers clasped the gold painted knob and gave it a slight twist, the door pushing open and the trio stepping inside. Bonnie could say she was suprised to find another planted in the room, bottom connected with a chair as she scribbled on a paper. Her long black hair is what kept her features hidden, but upon the door opening her face was brought up from the paper she wrote on. Piercing hazel orbs that loathed at her sight, lips that ranged in the medium size, and thin eyesbrows that lowered at her arrival. "Ah ms. Abadeer, its nice to see you, you're just in time to welcome your new roomate." Spoke the worker. If her eyebrows were already lowered, they arched down even further at her words. "I thought my father requested no ro-" the woman was quick to silence the girl with her overlapping voice. "Requests are not being accepted at the moment. Anywho," she blew off her words, "Bonnibel I would like you to meet your roommate, Marceline. Marceline, this is Bonnibel." Her hand arose from her side and gave off a small wave. The other girl only responded with a glare, retrieving the tanned sheet of paper and brushing past the trio and out the door. The worker gripped her shoulders and lowered her eyes to her level. "She has quite the attitude I warn you. You'll be better off staying away from her, she's trouble." Bonnibel let the last few words settle within her. She's trouble? What does that even mean? Why does she have a attitude? Will she listen to the worker? Bonnie didn't dwell upon the words and instead watched as her uncle set down the suitcase on the bed. She would have to get used to the bland motel like room sooner or later. Tanned walls, stiff carpet floors, dark blue drapes, the room highly resembled a motel room.  "Alrighty then all done." It hadn't even come to her attention that the worker had sifted through her things in the suitcase until she turned to find her belongings scattered across the matress. "Nothing to bad in there that can't stay." Said the worker. "Now, I'll fetch your school uniform and sleep wear in a bit. Classes start at 8am and curfew is 8pm. It is prior that you are on your best behavior." The rules were set on the table. Bonnibel could already feel her soul leaving her body. "I'll give you some time to say goodbye to your uncle." The thin lips of the man moved upwards with a nod, the lady making her exit out of the room. And likewise to the morning, his eyes set upon the girl in a way which made her want to escape the gaze. "Im not gonna sit here and give you a whole heart felt speech." The bluntness in his tone came bold. "Just get yourself together in here and walk out a non sinful girl. You will be put in your right mind under gods hand." She didn't even have time to respond to his harsh tone, for he was already out the door.

The baggy grey sweats hung loosely from her body, a new custom along with her school uniform and shoes from the worker. Bonnie didn't find it fit to emerge from the room just yet, not knowing her way around the building or anyone at all. So instead, she dressed in her sleep wear(which consisted of a blank white tee and baggy grey sweatpants) and layed up on the stiff mattress. Without a phone or any type of book yet, Bonnie lay on the bed with her eyes focusing on the ceiling and her mind deep in thought. The thought of her roomate pranced her mind but she didn't think to much of it, that is until the doorknob of the room twisted open and in she stepped, also fitted in her sleep wear. She didn't acknowledge the presence of the girl at all, instead returning the tanned paper in which she left with to the table. Even though she didn't know much about the mysterious girl, she wanted to. I have to start somewhere. The courage within herself bubbled. "Hey um I was kind of hoping to-" "Look here." Her words were quick to cut her off, her eyes glaring at the girl across the room. "I don't want any type of friendship." Her blutness reminded her of her uncle. "Im just here to finish my time and go home. Just because were roomates doesn't mean we're obligated to be bffs." Marceline cut off her speaking and turned off the lamp and deposited herself on the bed, her back facing Bonnibel. Bonnie didn't know why but the cold give off of the girl pegged her to get to know more about her than it hurt her. But Bonnie took her advice for the night, bundling under the scratchy blanket and clamping her eyes shut.

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