Socialising Sucks

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Like your momma always said
You want success? You need a friend

Because in life that's all that counts
Being of matter to certain amounts
But if you struggle with a thing
Don't you expect to your phone to ring
You didn't turn vibrations off
You're just not relevant enough

Like your momma always said
You want success? You need a friend

The glitter you spread in your room
Just you alone see magic bloom
You want to tell your bestest friends
But with the school bell friendship ends
The loner kid gets no reward
For sitting still in the school yard

Like your momma always said
You want success? You need a friend

Something to look back on
Is something we all crave
Without a friend that's worthless
Alone you don't stand brave
...At least that's what they tell you
From cradle to the grave

Like your momma always said
You want success? You need a friend

What do you have now?
A scrapbook full of false laughter?
Slimy kisses with slimy guys?
Well, at least you lived your youth...


I feel like I've got to emphasize, that I'm not totally antisocial. I believe in the concept of true friendship. What I don't believe in tho, is this whole pressure, that goes with it nowadays. How you've got to post a selfie with them every once in a while, so you don't seem too lonely. This pressure to present your friendship to the internet. How the number of friends, you've got, somehow defines your worth as a human being. To me, that is simply ridiculous.

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