Chapter 25

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Sat against the wall on the floor, legs splayed out in front of her, Clarke sighed. She ran her fingers through Luna's hair, who's head was rested in her lap. The brunette was asleep, her bruised and tired eyes sealed shut in exhaustion.

There was no time in a cell, Clarke had concluded. No night and day, or hours or minutes. Just one breath after another as she waited for freedom. It felt like years since she had been locked away, but judging by Luna's still injured state, she could take a logical guess that it was only a few days.

She wondered where Lexa was. She hoped that Lexa hadn't forgotten about them, or had decided to leave her behind again...

"I will in no way betray you again" Lexa said "I promise"

"You promise?"

"I promise"

Clarke sighed and leant her head backs against the wall, feeling the cold seep through her hair and drill a dull ache into her scalp. No. Lexa wouldn't leave her again. Not after everything they had been through, and everything that they had done. Lexa had shown she had cared for Clarke, especially on the battlefield after she threw herself into harms way to protect the blonde from flying arrows.

Clarke closed her eyes, biting her lip. The way the green would flick across foreign words printed on withering paper. The way her brows would turn down when she stumbled on a few unknown words. It never mattered if Lexa was in a state of confusion, or anger, or pain. She was still breathtakingly beautiful, and she never once refused the softness that would grow in her eyes at a single glance of Clarke.

"What are you thinking of, Wanheda?" Luna's sleep-thick voice caused her eyes to flick open in search of its source.

"You know what I'm thinking of" She sighed

"She'll be here, Clarke" Luna rolled on her side, adjusting her head in Clarke's lap "You need to stop, you're thinking too loud"

Clarke smoothed back Luna's hair once more, tucking it away from the warm eyes of the floukru leader.

If only she could stop. It would be so much easier to fall asleep without the flashes of green darting across her half-shut eyes, or the gentle whispers of the commander just as she began to feel sleep tug at her. After a few attempts at sleeping, Clarke came to the realisation that she couldn't sleep without Lexa by her side. Without knowing that the brunette was safe in her arms.

"I said stop thinking" Luna mumbled with her eyes closed "you're giving me a headache."

Clarke let a small chuckle slip from her lips as they curved ever so slightly in amusement "I'm sorry. Sleep."

After a few moments of silence, with the two women beginning to relax in comfortable silence, Clarke was quickly drawn back to the horrific reality of living on earth. The door to their cell was ripped open, and footsteps followed with thunder as farm station members grabbed them in violent grasps, restraining them without the slightest care in the world.

"What the hell are you doing?" Clarke exclaimed, wincing as she was dragged towards the door by her arms "Let me go!"

Clarke felt a fist deliver a harsh punch to her stomach, knocking the breath from her lungs in a swift blow. Luna lunged forward at the action, teeth bared and growls rising in her throat like an angered wild animal.

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