Chapter 24

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Lexa grasped Echo's forearm tightly, both women nodding to each other respectfully. She eyed the dried darkened patch of Ontari's blood which had stained Lexa's shirt, before stepping away again. Lexa could feel the concealed anger when Echo held her arm with a vice-like grip, forcing her fingertips and sharp nails to dig into the commander's skin. She was smart enough, though, not the cause any harm to Lexa. Two important Azgeda deaths were enough for one day. Another would do no good to their clan.

"I'll be seeing you soon, commander" Echo said.

Lexa tipped her head to the side ever so slightly, examining Echo's angry state "No you won't" Lexa responded calmly.


"Azgeda has shown its true loyalties within this war" Lexa folded her arms "I no longer recognise Ice Nation as a member of my coalition; our alliance has been broken"

"What?" Echo's eyes widened

"The place of the 12th clan with be awarded to a more... loyal clan" Lexa said "If they will have it, Skaikru will become the 12th clan"

"But... Heda. We need the supplies from other clans. We were following orders-"

"Ice nation have always been unloyal, no matter who their leader is. From now on, you are on your own, Echo. I apologise if this causes any difficulties for the families within your clan, but I am afraid I can no longer trust you"

Echo clenched her jaw and gave Lexa a small nod, stepping back from the dangerous commander. Now, Lexa was expecting farm station to recognise they had lost heir war, and accept defeat.

She looked back to Clarke, where she should have been stood beside Indra. Lexa knew that's where she had been, because she kept glancing over to the blonde during the fight to persuade herself she was safe. But now that space was empty, and Lexa's heart was pumping rapidly, her mind racing faster than ever.

"Where is Clarke?" Lexa asked. Indra straightened her back and looked at her surroundings.

"I... she went to talk to Luna. They should be here..." Indra frowned.

From across the crowd, Lexa's eyes met with Pike's. His dark eyes were fixated on her, something smug hiding behind his daring stare. Lexa's clenched her fists into a tight ball, knuckles going white with the pressure. From beside Pike, Bellamy stood with his arms crossed, staring at his shoes as if they were the most interesting thing he'd ever seen. He looked suspicious. Guilty.

No, their enemy had not lost just yet. Lexa turned her back to the leader of farm station with his newly discovered lackey, and faced Indra again, who gave her a questioning look. Through gritted teeth, she spoke.

"She's not here, Indra"




Clarke's eyelids felt weighted. Her head pounded with damage.




She slowly tore her eyes open, the sickly noise bringing her to her senses. Each distinct, individual sound was shortly followed by a pained cry or groan. Clarke already knew who they belonged to. Luna.

She pushed herself up with extra care, avoiding the fact that the cell she lay in was spinning. Blood slowly trickled down the side of her face, serving as an ever growing puddle of evidence that she had been hit in the head forcefully by her attacker. Lifting her shaking fingers, she lightly touched the wound just above her temple, instantly retracting her hand from the sudden amount of pain. Her mind was blank almost. Most events which had occurred before the attack on her and Luna were a hazy blur of dull colours. She closed her eyes, attempting to remember.

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