Chapter 23

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Clarke held Lexa's sword for her as they made their way towards the makeshift arena- a large circle made of wooden posts and guards that stood behind them. On one side of the circle, surrounding the outside, were Azgeda guards and warriors. Amongst them, were the Ice Queen and Ontari, who sent flaming glares to the other side of the circle where Lexa and her people stood.

"Lexa...?" Octavia murmured as she approached "we have a problem"

"What?" Lexa frowned

"Azgeda aren't the only ones here"

"What are you talking about?" Clarke asked "the fight is with Ontari."

"Who also happens to be an ally of Farm station" Octavia crossed her arms "they're here"

Clarke looked over her shoulder to see another group of people pushing through to the front of the crowd. Surly enough, there was Pike, grasping his gun tightly in its holster, eyes fixed on the commander. Beside him stood Bellamy, brown eyes finding his sister instantly.

Betrayal flashed in Octavia's eyes, and Clarke could never even begin to imagine how she felt. To be left and betrayed by her own brother would destroy her. Although, Clarke had felt similar feelings with her mother when she had learned that she had turned her own father in. Clarke clenched her fists as Octavia turned back towards Lexa.

"They don't matter. They're just here to watch. They can't do anything against you, right? It's against the rules?" Octavia asked urgently

"Yes, it is against the rules. However, I'm not sure how much Pike cares about rules" Lexa said "watch them"

Octavia nodded "and... what about Bellamy?"

Lexa stared at her blankly "what about him?"

"I-... he's my brother... I don't think I could stop him if it came down to it" Octavia admitted.

"Then don't" Lexa said "Indra will be with you"

Octavia nodded once again before backing away to find Indra, braids whipping as she turned. Lincoln followed her, never once leaving her side.

"This doesn't change anything" Lexa mentioned as Clarke tightened the straps on her armour

"I know it doesn't. I don't think it would matter if it did. You'd still be going out there."

"I would, yes." Lexa said, catching Clarke's hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze before letting go again. She turned only to be pulled back by her armour.

"Listen... Lexa I... I care about you okay? I don't want to lose you." Clarke whispered

"I care about you too, Clarke." Lexa frowned at her armour "I want this off"


"I want it off. Clarke it's too heavy. I don't have as much movement as I'd wish for" Lexa explained

"Lexa that's your only protection from Ontari" Clarke said with wide eyes as Lexa unbuckled the straps.

"Clarke, I can't fight with it on" Lexa slid the armour off, handing it to Titus, who had appeared at the event. Clarke could only see him as a coward.

"This is a terrible idea" Clarke stated, holding out her sword.

"I know" Lexa said. She pulled her sword from the sheath in Clarke's hands, who then quickly stepped forward to press a kiss to Lexa's cheek "I'll be fine"

"I know" Clarke quirked an eyebrow, repeating Lexa's words.

With one last small smile, Lexa turned to walk into the circle, posture tall and confident. The burning worry inside Clarke almost made her sick, and she wanted to launch herself after Lexa to take her place.

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