Chapter 21

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Clarke had never believed in such a places before. She thought of it as a mere fairytale of which people clung to for the tiniest piece of hope. But then she realised how wrong she was.

Her fingertips slowly trailed down the black ink which marked Lexa's smooth skin- something she had wanted to do since the first time she laid eyes on it. She knew that they were both supposed to sleep last night, to prepare for the day ahead of them where they would advance on Ice Nation. But Lexa was so captivating. Every swirl of ink on her skin, every kiss she planted on Clarke's lips, made her forget that they were in the middle of war. Clarke wanted to forget that.

And then there they were, drifting in and out of sleep under the covers of Lexa's bed. Early morning light which managed to peak through the fabric of illuminated the commander's sleeping face. Or at least, Clarke thought she was sleeping.

"Clarke?" She asked, voice still raspy and thick with sleep. Clarke stayed silent in hope that the other girl would start to believe that she was still asleep. It would have worked too, if Lexa hadn't decided to roll over to face her. She looked up at Clarke, who was still propped up on her elbow comfortably, and raised an eyebrow at her "I felt you touching my back Clarke. It was pointless pretending to be asleep."

"At least I tried" A guilty smile crept onto Clarke's lips "did I wake you?"

"Yes, but it was quite the charming wakeup call compared to others I have received in the past" Lexa pushed a stray blonde hair behind Clarke's ear. Her face was soft- gentle when she was looking at Clarke. And yet it was laced with sudden concern after what Clarke believed was a thought that ran through Lexa's mind "I want you to promise me something, Clarke"

"Okay, what is it?"

"Promise me you wont allow yourself to get hurt in this war" she whispered "I can't live with myself if I lose you too."

Clarke laced their fingers together and looked down at the wide green eyes that stared up at her. Lexa was showing her vulnerability and weakness to Clarke, and Clarke only. There was a certain beauty in the way Lexa opened up to her. Then again there was a certain beauty in everything Lexa did.

"You wont. I promise, Lexa. But you have to promise me that you won't, I don't know, go jumping in front of arrows and bullets. Because one, that's idiotic, and two, people need you. I don't think the clans are ready to lose the commander yet"

'I'm not ready to lose the commander'

"Are you done talking yet, Clarke?" Lexa asked, a smirk slowly creeping onto her lips.

"Well, we don't have to talk at all..." Clarke suggested. The grin that spread across Lexa's face was something Clarke wished she could paint then and there, documenting it. Lexa cupped Clarke's cheek and rolled on top of the blonde haired girl, connecting their lips. After everything was over, Clarke could definitely get used to spending her mornings like that. She felt the ever so sweet weight of Lexa's body as she rolled atop of her. How anything could feel so right, Clarke simply didn't know.

"Heda, Raven has returned from-" Luna entered the tent, instantly pausing at the sight of her commander and Wanheda. She raised an eyebrow "Ah. My apologies Heda, I believed you to be alone."

Lexa's head perked up from Clarke's lips. Her the corners of her mouth were turned down in a small huff after being interrupted before she placed one last sweet kiss on the lips of Wanheda.

"We shall be out shortly to discuss, Luna." Lexa looked over her bare shoulder at her subject "leave us"

"Yes, Heda" Luna replied as she exited the tent just as fast as she entered. Clarke could have sworn she saw a hint of a smirk on Luna's face. She wasn't sure if it was real though; maybe she had just imagined it with her own joy being so evident.

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