Set Ten Winner: Cursed

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Whatpad Name: immortal-serenity

Tittle: Cursed

Genera(s): Vampire and General Fiction


Personal Message to the Audinece:

Thank you xXPersevereXx for choosing my story Cursed. I feel honoured to have this opportunity. This is my first vampire book that I have written and I've enjoyed every second of it. I hope you do too! I first came up with the idea when my friends realised I haven't read twilight, so I decided instead of reading a book why don't I just write one? Thank you all so much, I really appreciate every person who reads my story as it is there for you to enjoy!

Xxx Immortal-Serenity.



Beauty. Power. Strength. Seduction. All four can be used to explain the beasts that live among us. Immortality is both a gift and a curse. With immortality comes hunger, power and violence.  

They are thought to have no soul, no emotion... But what if they do?



 Other than the small cloud that covered the moon, the sky was clear. The air deadly still.

An old Toyota had slammed head on into a large eucalyptus tree, completely shattering the glass and crumpling up the bonnet. Smoke drifted through the bent metal and the drivers door had been ripped open.

A few metres along the dirt road was a girl with striking raven hair. She struggled against a tall man in a trench coat who held her captive by the waist.

Her jerking movements made her scent more alluring and Casper buried his head into her neck, inhaling deeply. Tears fought their way through the thick line of lashes and fell down her cheeks.

“Please,” she whimpered pathetically.

The mysterious man chuckled before grabbing her hair and ripping it back, giving him complete exposure to her neck. She smelt so enticing, he could barely control himself.

There was something about her that lured him in. He wasn’t quite sure of this feeling. Never in his eight hundred years had he felt something so… pure.

The struggling girl in his arms panted unevenly as she tried to rip herself free. Casper pulled her close, making his final decision and sinking his teeth into her soft flesh.

She screamed out in agony as his teeth penetrated her neck like daggers. Her eyes closed as the venom seeped into her veins. Her hands started to shake as the searing pain coursed through her body, igniting it on fire.

Casper pulled back and looked at her with curiosity. His dark eyes searched for her soul and tainted it with his cold stare. Her body disobeyed every order it received, forcing her to give up the fight.

Her breathing became staggered and the body in Caspers arms began to convulse, overcome by the pain within.

What was happening to me? She thought to herself as the man let go, leaving her to slam against the hardened dirt. All he did was watch as her limbs unsettled the dust at his feet.

His pale lips moved as he angelic voice whispered words that she couldn’t decipher. The wind caught onto his blond locks as he took her in once more before bending down next to her.

She whimpered slightly as he brought a hand up to her neck and tightening his grip.

The moonlight shone through thick clouds, casting a dull light against the small shrubs that dotted the dirt covered land while the girl struggled helplessly against the beast.

Blood pounded in her ears, drowning out every sound, every thought. The dirt ground beneath her eagerly consumed her blood as she lay there helplessly, watching as it changed the colour of the hardened dirt. It seeped through cracks as it spread around her head like a halo.

Casper really didn’t do a good job this time. His control wavered once her blood dripped into his mouth, sending him on a frenzy. He had to pull away quickly, leaving no time to retract his teeth. Instead he brought a large chunk of her flesh with him.

The gaping hole bumped blood around his fingers as he fought against his hunger. She had to die first.

The girls vision became blurred as the blood slowly left her and the searing pain turned to a dull ache. Her head pounded in rhythm to her heart, though it seemed to be the dominant tune as the pulse slowly faded with her vision.

This is it, she thought to myself. This is how my life will end. A mystery death that not even the deceased would understand. What has he done?

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