Set Nine Winner: Scarred Hearts

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Whatpad Name: unsaid-things

Tittle: Scarred Hearts

Genera(s): Teen Fiction and Romance


Personal Message to the Audinece:

Hi readers! Honestly, I didn't expect that my story would be chosen, and I'm really grateful that I had the chance to promote this through xXPersevereXx (thanks again for choosing my story!)

The story is still a work-in-progress, but I'm putting a lot of effort in it, and I hope you'd like it and stay until the end! :)  


It completely isn't included in the plan. The plan is me, staying at home, making more covers for my lovely YouTube subscribers. The plan is me, becoming more and more famous with every passing second. Gaining more subscribers. Getting more praises and compliments. The plan is me, being loved and admired by people.

But what's happening?

I'm falling in love. With a guy. With scars in his hearts.  

And then I start to realize, I'm scarring mine, too. 

Exert: Chapter 5 

“What time does this diner open? And where do I get assigned?” I ask Fritz as I help him retrieve the other plates from the cupboard.

“It’s opening in ten minutes. You’re in the dishwashing shift first,” Fritz tells me with a surprisingly formal tone. He sounds like a supervisor or something. And it’s kinda creepy.

“Dishwashing shift?” I say. I puff out air, making my side fringes fly a bit. “Can’t I just drop the orders?”

“Sorry, manager’s orders, Addie,” Fritz tells me. He holds my shoulder and gently squeezes it. “You’ll be fine, don’t worry.”

No, Fritz, I wouldn’t be fine. There’s no way in the world that I’d be fine with washing the dishes. The last thing that I’d want to do is hold greasy, oily and disgusting plates and pans and pots! The pressure cooker Grant was carrying earlier looks so greasy it’s singing Greased Lightning!

I roll my eyes and walk to the dishwashing area. As I pass by the hurrying employees around me, my heart couldn’t help but sink. Screw this, am I really doing this for a month? Am I really going to be like these employees? Look, I have nothing against fast food and diner employees, but it’s clearly not my level. I get a glimpse of the sink, and immediately I close my eyes as I slow down my breathing.

This won’t be that hard, Addie. Come on. Just be brave.

I took a deep breath and prepare myself for the literal mountain of dishes waiting for me.

I open my eyes.

But the sink is empty.

It’s empty.

Ha. Look at my luck!

Uncle Ronald actually assigned me to a job that’s not yet even starting! Feeling a little bit more relaxed, I sit on the clean counter top beside the sink and sway my legs. It turns out I won’t have a hard time in here! Though, honestly, this would be boring. What would I do in here? I wish Uncle Ronald just made me stay at home. That way, I could have made another cover. I could have been productive! And Lexi wouldn’t know or hear about it, because she’s here at Fat Tommy’s. No nosy people, the better.

But you’re here, Addie. You’re an employee at Fat Tommy’s now.

Yeah, right.

I occupy myself with the stuff inside this dishwashing area. The tiles are quite shiny and clean, and personally, it’s quite like a wrong place for where dirty things happen. (Not that dirty thing! I’m too innocent for that!) The walls are painted with cream and brown stripes, and even the lamps in here are as beautiful as the ones inside the main eating place (whatever it’s call

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