Set Six Winner: to glow

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Whatpad Name: DreamsNationz

Tittle: to glow

Genera(s): Romance and Teen-Fiction


Personal Message to the Audinece:

Dreamers, I give you props for putting up with me and all my wackiness. You guys are always there for me, supporting me and making me laugh, and I love doing the same for you. I love talking with you guys and gushing over books. I can't thank you all enough. Don't ever stop believing dreamers :)  



 ~~They told me to find myself first, and then everything else would follow, but what if I can't? What if I can't learn to live again? What if I can’t learn to love again? What if….What if I never find myself again? Where would I go from there?~~

Meet Sara Anderson: She’s nothing extraordinary, she’s not popular and she’s not a drop-dead gorgeous model. She’s just a plain old Jane; or at least that’s what she thinks. But why let the outer beauty matter so much, when you have all the traits that anyone could love in a person? Sara is incredibly smart, quirky, kind and shy. But just by being a good person, doesn’t mean everyone will like you.

After a strange incident happens, Sara Anderson is forced to start a whole new life style and open up her world to wonders and adventures. But what happens when she meets Collin Fox: a boy who seems to infuriate her, but also at the same time attract her.

Can he save her again?


Snippit:  1.2 ~ love game ~

I felt a warm comforting hand wrap around my trembling one and gently squeeze it. I looked up only to find the blue eyes that I had once adored. Of course Collin just had to be here. If he wanted me to steer clear of him then I’d happily do so, but why couldn’t he do the same for me. Next to Zack, he was honestly the last person I wanted to see.

“I’m sorry.” he sighed, “For everything.”

I could tell that he truly did mean it, but I still wasn’t ready to completely forgive him. Collin seemed to understand my no-response-answer and slowly let my fingers slip out from his. My hand now felt cold and resumed to it’s trembling state.

He tilted his head in the direction of everyone, “We should dance.”

Debating on whether I should or not, I found myself being propelled forward and saying yes to him. Although my hatred for Collin was strong, it wasn’t that strong. I was actually somewhat glad to see him.

Unlike Zack, Collin held me tenderly in his arms and managed to maintain a comfortable contact with me, while I sheepishly wrapped my arms around his neck. With everything that had been going on, I had began to forget about Collin or well, at least I tried my hardest to. I had forgotten about the way he looked when he was mad and frustrated, because as of right now, he just looked like a normal person. He was calm.

It sort of made me sad though, that I now had no urge to reach up and smoothen out the crease that usually formed in between his eyebrows whenever he frowned, but at the same time I was happy. For once, I didn’t feel like he had anything against me or wanted to hurt me. He seemed like he actually wanted to start things over with me and maybe, just maybe this time we could actually be friends. But from the day that I had met him until now, he had been so cold to me. How could he all of a sudden just change? It really wouldn’t be that simple, especially for a guy like him who was so confusing and mysterious all the time. But maybe that’s why I started to fall for him in the first place.

He gently lifted up my chin so that I was staring at him. Somehow throughout the time that we had been dancing with each other, I had managed to shift my focus towards the ground, and that’s exactly where it stayed for the remainder of the time.

“Look at me.” he breathed, “I want to see you look at me.”

Slowly I gave into him and ended up falling into his soft gaze. His black mask suited him perfectly, making small features on his face stand out more, like his eyes. His focus was set on me and only me. He seemed to be ignoring everything else which was an unusual thing to witness him do, considering I had never seen him do it before.

Right now, he looked so handsome. Not that he never did or anything like that, but tonight it really struck me that Collin Fox was absolutely gorgeous. He was dressed in a dark navy blue suit with a perfectly done-up tie hanging from the collar of his white dress shirt. I wanted to run my fingers through his dark copper hair and feel just how silk like it was. I wanted to trace my finger over his facial features and run my thumb along his chin and jawline. But most of all, I wanted to feel the heat of his lips being pressed against mine.

What are you doing Sara? You’re falling for his trap again! Free yourself from him.

All of sudden, Collin began to pull me in towards him and he embraced me, resting his head on my shoulder and drawing little circles on my back. A rush of sparks quickly washed throughout me and every feeling that I ever had for him immediately came rushing back. I was playing a dangerous game here. I was in love with Collin and I couldn’t let go, but I needed to.

I shouldn’t be thinking of him or lusting after him. I shouldn’t even be feeling butterflies because of a simple touch from him, but in the end I do, and as much as I tell myself to let go, I can’t. It’s too hard. But this time, I managed to let go. I couldn’t let myself get hurt anymore.

“I can’t do this.” I lightly pushed against him and ran out towards the parking lot where a gazebo with candles lit up and sprinkled flowers stood. As soon as I had let go of Collin, all the sparks and heat immediately left. Maybe I didn’t actually like him, maybe it was just a one time thing. I could never actually fall for someone like him. He wasn’t the one for me and he never would be.

“You’re running away from me.” With one hand in his pocket, Collin confidently strolled up towards me and placed himself only a few inches away from me. He really needed to stop doing that. He needed to stop getting so close to me.

“I-I’m not.” I stuttered, losing all capability to speak as his presence infested my brain.

“But you are.” I felt his breath hot on my neck as he began to move even closer to me. How much closer could he possibly get?


“Why?” he questioned while stroking the ends of my hair. I didn’t know how to reply to him. It wouldn’t be right if I just bluntly told him that I didn’t like him and was trying to convince myself that I hated him. He would probably think I was crazy. But then again, I already was.

Taking me by surprise, Collin closed the space that had still remained between us and in a matter of seconds his lips were smashed on mine, leaving time to go still. With his eyes softly flitting down to rest on mine and his lips slightly parting to release the emotions he had inside, he kissed me. Softly, but passionately. Gently, but fiercely.

It was like fire and rain. Love and hate. Death and life. Our kiss was one of a kind. In fact, the taste of his lips were one of a kind. Never had I felt such a rush of heat run through me. I was hot, but cold at the same time. I was mesmerized by him, by the way our lips moved in sync. Slowly, I found myself falling into a sea of lust and love, being hit over and over again by a powerful wave of ignition that just kept our kiss growing deeper and stronger, but suddenly it stopped.

He pulled away.

The beat of my heart slowly began to return to its normal rate as reality began to kick in once again. I had kissed Collin. I had really kissed him and it was nothing like I had ever felt before. He was careful with me like he was afraid that he might break me, but the thing was he didn’t. I think it was safe to say that he was regaining back my trust, slowly but surely.

My heart began to beat rapidly once again as his lips brushed against mine. “I’ll be back, Sara.”

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