Set Four Winner: Felicity

384 13 5


Whatpad Name: SkyMateria

Tittle: Felicity

Genera(s): Romance, Teen Fiction and Fantasy


Personal Message to the Audinece:

Hello Readers! I just want to start off this celebration message with a big and personal thank you. Thank you so much for supporting me and making all of this possible! Without you guys, I'd probably wouldn't have even thought about making my ideas come to life and sharing them with this great Wattpad world. You all serve as an inspiration to me and for that I am deeply grateful. I hope you all enjoy my books and the many updates to come. My love and gratitude is forever. :]


Felicity: noun. Meaning for intense happiness. A prominent and powerful bloodline can mean everything inside the Deity world. And for Phoenix, the youngest son of the hottest and most eminent family around, the perks just keep swarming in. Every goddess in the universe wishes to be his girl despite his notorious reputation as a heartbreaker. And his enemies cant seem to find a way to end his elite status which fuels his overly tyrant-like, arrogant and egotistical personaility.

Though all of this is about to change for him when his own father realizes that his son is too ungrateful for what he has. He then suddenly decides its time for Phoenix to get a hard dose of reality and what better way to do that then to strip him of his several powers and send him off to the human realm where everything is completely different. And to make matters worse, the only way Phoenix can ever learn his lesson and get his powers back is by doing good deeds for a human of his choice.

That human happens to be none other than Jane Eliyse Taylor. A seventeen year old girl with quite a few problems of her own, especially in the love department. Though no problem is gonna top her world like the one she is about to inherit with Phoenix. After all, who could possibly transform this deviant deity into something good? Though the real question is can this unlikely couple with stand the sands of time when it comes to love and happiness?  

Find out what happens to them in Felicity


Best Chapter: Chapter 3- Micah

It was unfortunate for me that my daisy had turned out to be a rather incompetent kisser. Jane had no idea what she was doing as our lips came together and after a while it began to irritate me. I wasn't doing this just so she could stand there like a stiff doormat and stare at me all day. No, I was really keen on making her realize my point as we made out. My sole intent was to initiate her destruction through this decadent kiss. Though, her inability to be decisive when it came to kissing me back or not caused us to be out of sync. Every time I went to graze her smooth and succulent lips with my own she’d just quiver at the warm touch and try to slide away. However, I was not one to be escaped from. I kept Jane’s body in place by capturing her waist with my hands and held her steady against the wall.

A small moan broke out from her gentle voice as our kiss turned into something deeper. Our warm lips tingled with fever as I caressed them with rougher strokes and allowed them to linger against each other than before so that when I went back for more, the same exact feeling would return.

“Stop...” Jane pleaded while out of breath.

“Why? We’re just getting to the good part.” I asked, now matching her gaze.

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