"How about Paranormal Activity 3?" We all froze I hated scary movies me and the lads would barely watch them and when we would we'd all sleep huddled together.

"What don't tell me you guys are scared?" Claire asked noticing out reactions. "Pshhh who? Us? Scared of that nooooo Harry put the movie on!" Louis yelled trying to play it cool. Claire got up and went with Niall to make the popcorn while I put the movie on, this was going to be a long night.

Claire and Niall came back with popcorn and drinks. They passed it around to everybody while the movie was starting. This was going to be a long night.

- - - -

"Why the hell would they play bloody marry?!" Zayn said while covering his eyes. Louis was holding tightly too Liam's hand while Niall did the same with Zayn. Claire was sitting in front me which sorta shielded me from the television. She hasn't once covered her eyes she just kept her eyes glued to the tv. Suddenly my phone started ringing which caused all of us to jump.

"Zayn cover me!" Niall yelled. Zayn let out a girl like scream along with Liam and Louis. "She's coming!" Louis yelled. Claire busted out laughing.

"Hello?" I answered my phone. "Harry it's Miranda from Modest we've had a call from Simon." Claire's phone started ringing. "Hello? Uncle Simon"

"Put the phone on speaker" she did and I did the same with Miranda.

"We just want to say that you two did a good job in handling this but now we have to discuss public appearances." Simon said.

"That's right you boys have the album release party in two days and we've decided Claire will be their with you. Danielle has been given the information so she'll pass that along." Miranda said. We were all listening.

"Wait how did you know we were here?" Liam asked confused and I'm guessing we all were.

"Paparazzi. Claire, Harry you both have to be careful now their going to be following you more now because of this. The UK is going crazy now talking about you and Americas Pop Princess dating so expect things to get crazier." Simon said seriously. Wow how many hours ago was that like 2 and the world aleady knew who wondered that everybody was interested in our love life.

"Claire your going to get a call from Danielle tomorrow. Now on to social media we understand how mean and crazy one direction fans get but don't worry we've got that covered your safe. Joshua and Paul will be around the 2 of you at all times when you go out. The same we did with Louis and Eleanour." We just nodded. It wasn't fair and Louis didn't like it when it was him and El but I guess it's to keep the girls safe from our fans. They can can get a bit violent sometimes.

"Boys you'll all be with Claire at her album release party and when you leave for your tour in a few weeks Claire will be their to say goodbye. You two will make time to see each other during breaks. Now on to the PDA that's all up to you two so just be careful bye." Both Simon and Miranda hung up.

"Did he say in a few weeks?" Niall asked and we all just nodded. Our first tour is starting in less then a month, we all knew that but I guess we didn't want this to end. I guess we should start writing songs for our next album. Simon said he wanted it to be released in November of this year wow this is going to be a busy year.

"Why aren't you guys excited this your Up All Night Tour guys your going to be touring all over the UK, Canada, Mexico, you know all over the map!" Claire said looking at all our faces. Yea she was right but I mean being on the road for so long but I guess this is our dream. We have to be grateful.

"Have you ever performed at these places?" Zayn pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it to her must be out tour dates. She unfolded and looked at it.

"Would it be good if I said I've been to all of them?" She asked looking down. I raised my eyebrows suprised. I knew Claire was popular all over the world and the basic stuff like selling out MSG in a couple of hours, twice! I just didn't know she's been all over the map but what do you expect.

"Yes but it would be better if you told us what to expect." Niall said sitting beside her. "Well first off my fans aren't as crazy as yours so expect being touched everywhere I'm sure you all experienced that right?" We nodded. I had one fan come up to me and grab my package while many just touched my butt.

"The Bradford bad boy is ready." Zayn said putting his arms behind his head.

"Yea well THE Bradford bad boy was screaming like a little girl awhile ago." Claire said and we all just laughed knowing it was true. "Why are you guys laughing Lou, Liam, and even you Niall were screaming like girls." She raised her eyebrows at them.

"You shall not speak of this to no one!" Lou yelled. "We'll see at my next interview."

"You wouldn't dare!" Zayn said looking at her closing his eyes a bit.

"Hazza tell her to stop!" Niall said holding on to my shoulder but I just shrugged my shoulders enjoying this.

"This is blackmail and we shall have none of it!" Liam looked at all of us. I knew what they were gonna do so why not join them. Zayn jumped on her and held her down while Niall, Liam, and Lou stared to tickle her.

"Stop!!!! Guys . . . I can't breathe! No! I'm . . . sorry! Get . . . Off! Harry help!" I laughed trying to see her escape and after I've had a good laughing I pulled the guys off her.

"Your so mean to me!" She said pouting while hiding her head on my shoulder. We just laughed.

"Guys it's late we have to get going." Liam said. Niall yawned.

"You guys can sleep here if you want?" Claire said looking at us. We all looked at Liam waiting for an answer.

"Yea if that's ok with you let me just call Paul." Claire got up to get us some blankets and pillows.

"Harry can just sleep in your room right he won't fit on the couch." Lou said smirking at me I knew what he was doing.

"Uh yea is that ok?" Claire said looking at me. I nodded.


While I was brushing my teeth I was thinking of sleeping in the same bed as Harry. I was nervous as hell but at the same time I welcomed the idea. The boys were all leaving on tour a few days after my album release and I couldn't be happier for them but I would miss all of them. I had appearances coming up while their on there tour. This year consisted of me just doing appearances and maybe a couple of movies were coming my way, let's just say this is going to be a busy year. I walked out of the bathroom and found Harry in front of me only in his boxers.

"Is it ok if I sleep like this?" He smiled at me. I nodded not being able to speak. He walked to the bed and pulled the covers off. "You gonna stand their all night or get in bed to cuddle?" He asked flashing a dimpled smile.

I walked over and layed down beside him and he instantly wrapped his arms around me. It felt so natural coming from Harry it's like we've done this a lot of time before when we actually haven't. My head layed against his chest and I just enjoyed the warmth his body gave off.

"I don't know what I'm going to do when we go on tour, I'm going to go crazy without you." I smiled happy to hear that because I feel the same. I'm going to miss Harry like crazy.

"Let's just forget about the tour for now and enjoy this momet right now." He kissed the top of my head and nodded. Harry stoked my cheek and then lifted my face to face his.

"I love you Claire." The way he looked into my eyes I knew he meant it and it made my heart melt.

"I love you too Hazza." I whispered. "Good night." He gave me a small kiss and we both drifted off to sleep.

That moment was to me the best of all of them.

That Moment (Harry styles/Selena Gomez fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now