16. You can be a good mother to my son

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Tang Xi was scrutinizing the profile and tapping her hand on the bed seeing two profiles .She is in a serious thought.One of them was gentle and sweet but with good heart. Well the other is rude and ruthless in his every decisions but .......honest!!.

She calls Su Ran and says "Fix an appointment with Mr. Ning Yuhan! ..after two days"- I should be better after two days.

She keeps every documents in her bedside table draw and stands up. She finishes her lunch down in dining hall and lays in bed lost in thoughts.


Lu Head office.

Lu Cheng reads a medical file and sees Tianxian. Tianxian nods and goes out.

Lu Cheng faces a man and asks "How long he could survive without a surgery?".

The man says "3 months".

Lu Cheng gets serious and asks "Is there any chance of donor available within this period?".

The man shook his head and says "Cheng..I already explained you..you don't have any other choice!!".

Lu Cheng stands from his seat and looks worried "Are you sure he will get fine after the surgery?".

The man nods "I can assure that until he remains healthy with proper medications".

Lu Cheng looks at him and nods with determined face "Then lets do it in a month.You can proceed his further tests from now on!".

I can't wait until his heart starts to deteriorate!!.

The man nods and leaves the room. Lu Cheng sits in his chair and holds his hair by his hands frustrated.

I should do this!!.

He looks at the time and goes out.


Lu Residence.

He enters home carrying Jing sadly and sees Jing already sprinted to his room.

He walks following him and looks at Jing poking Tang Xi's face "Mommy? Why are you lazy? Wake up!".

She surprised to see him and pulls him.She starts tickling "You told me lazy? !!".

Jing screams laughing and Lu Cheng goes away from them.He walks into his room and slams the door closed.

Tang Xi asks about Jing's first day and gets Ananya's call.

She gives phone to Jing and he left her alone and ran out talking.

She sighs and walks out of the room. She searches for Jing but bumped into someone.

She looks at Lu Cheng and controls her anger but her face couldn't help but expose it.

She sees him going asks "Did you get your inheritance?".

Lu Cheng's step froze and stood there without moving.

She walks before him and says "I know you would not have any problem now? Shall we sign in divorce papers and-?".

He turned and says "I didn't get yet!".- I don't want to claim that anyway. Its already mine.

She stood with no words and sees him approaching her. She subconsciously takes a step back but he holds her hand "I am sorry..".

She stared his face blankly and flabbergasted by his sudden apology. God!! Why am I feeling like my heart is melting?? No he hurt me!! And I shoul...Oh No!! Why is he... sad?.

She clears her throat and asks "Can I make a request?".

His mood improves and nods.

She frowns hesitating "I planned to move out before getting -".

Lu Cheng hugs her before completing her words leaving her stunned. He whispers sadly "I am sorry..I won't hur-....I am sorry to hurt you..". For some reasons he couldn't say those words.

Tang Xi feels his sadness and asks "Is everything fine? Y-you sound sad..".

He released her and asks "Can you think about .." he takes a deep breath and sees her scanning everything in his face "Can we forget about the contract marriage and...".

Tang Xi stunned and blurts "No!!". -This is insane!! I can't get trapped to him!! I can't get married!! I mean the real one!!.

Lu Cheng holds her cheeks and asks "Do you love someone?" and his heart tightened to hear her answer.

She cant!! She can't love anyone!! Other than me!

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